March 1, 2012

Well, it's that time of year again, Women's History Month!

"I decided it is better to scream. . . . Silence is the real crime against humanity." - Nadezhda Mandelstam (1899-1980) Hope Against Hope (1970)

Yay for us ladies, because let's face it we're awesome. You guys are awesome too...just you know less awesome than we are. Anyway for the past few nights I was trying to figure out what I was going to do on my blog for this month to celebrate all the amazing women from our past and all that jazz. As you can tell it took me longer than I would have liked to come up with something, but hey I'm a busy girl.

I figured the best way to celebrate is to put a spot light on all my favorite women throughout history. So everyday for the next 31 days I'll be highlighting a famous woman in history or a woman who has inspired me in some way whether real or fictional. Please feel free to send me women who've inspired you in the past or present. She can be someone you don't know, someone you wish you could meet, dead, alive, fictional character. Anything  goes. The only requirement is, she can't  have a penis, obviously.

So send your favorite photo and a blurb and I'll throw your person up here too.

Meme Rules:

1. Post a photo of a women who has inspired you.
2. Give us some background on her.
3. Tell us why she inspires you.

Day One can be found here.

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