September 21, 2012

Fun Fact Friday!


So I figured Friday might be a good day for some useless, but fun facts. Feel free to add your own in the comments below and I’ll make sure to add them to this post!

There is a flashlight that is designed to make the person looking into it vomit. Intelligent Optical Systems has created this weird flashlight that's so bright it temporarily blinds you, and then it gets you all disoriented and dizzy. Using special types of really bright LEDs, the flashlight's beam pulses and flashes while quickly changing its color, and all this somehow makes you feel like you're going to throw up. Citation


  1. Wow, icky yet fascinating fact :-) New follower!

    1. Right? I saw this and was like eww, cool fact though, haha. Yay! I'm following you also. Love your blog. :)


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