September 18, 2012

Tune in Tuesday #1

Tune In Tuesday is a weekly feature in which bloggers get to showcase another one of their loves, music! The feature is hosted by Ginger over at GReads! but until further notice you can find it over at Kate’s Tales of Books and Bands. If you would like to participate in this weekly feature, make a blog post showcasing a song (or a few) and link up at the bottom of this post!

I am ridiculously excited about the artist I’m posting today. I stumbled on her when I was watching Ashley Benson and Shay Mitchell in a video.

Lana Del Ray is awesome. Her music is fresh and light and I can sit there for hours and totally bob my head while writing, reading or otherwise. Her music is also great to just blast in the car on a cool fall day and drive.

My favorite song by her is Diet Mountain Dew:

My second favorite song is Blue Jeans:

Totally check her out if you haven’t yet, because she’s awesome! And that’s all for today folks.


  1. I agree with you, Lana is simply awesome! She has a very unique and upbeat sound. Great Tune In Tuesday post :)

    1. Katelyn,

      She really does! Thanks so much for letting us participate. :)


  2. I think I have heard of her but hadn't listened to anything by her. I like how she sounds. I will have to listen to more. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Hey Bianca,

    I sort of love her voice haha. Thanks for stopping by and I'm glad you enjoyed!



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