October 7, 2012

Author Spotlight: Jodie Pierce Interview and Cover Reveal!

Author Spotlight

Today I'm pleased to welcome author Jodie Pierce to the blog to talk a little bit about her new book and life as a writer. Check out the cover of her new book and an excerpt below the interview!

What was the plot of your very first piece of unpublished fiction you ever wrote?

In high school, I wrote a short story called "Triangular Timebombs". It was a love story about a girl who was in love with a boy and her boy best friend. It came from personal experience but it really was horrible now that I look back on it. I'm thinking of taking the original, fixing it and adding to it but that's down the road aways.

Do you have any writing rituals or routines?

I like to have some sort of music playing while I write. It seems to inspire me more than the tv or silence. I also like to burn some sort of candle so the aroma's hit my brain and hopefully get the creative juices flowing as well.

Writers tend to have a pretty active imagination for obvious reasons, if you had to describe what the inside of your head was like what would you tell us?

A little crazy and fuzzy. I'm on lots of medications and tend to forget what I've written so I find myself rereading some of my stories to catch back up where I left off. My mind is non stop about everything and I try to meditate but I have a hard time quieting my mind. LOL!

How did the title of your book come about?

I originally wrote "The Vampire Queen", which was followed by "The Vampire Chronicles" and I thought, "What if I make this a trilogy and close up all the cliffhangers and holes I've left in the stories. I wanted the "Queen" to fall from her throne so I came up with "Demise of the Vampire Queen".

When you’re not writing, what do you like to do?

I like to spend time with family (hubby, parents, step-children, pets), I like to read others' books, I blog and get on other book like websites to learn more and how to better promote my books. I like to meditate and love all things metaphysical.

Who are your five favorite paranormal authors and why?

My first and biggest author is Anne Rice. She is the one that inspired me to take my love of vampires and start writing about them. Once I read her vampire books (all of them), I was inspired and started the process.

My second is J.K. Rowling. I was fortunate enough to seclude myself from the movies as I wanted to read all the books first. I then sat down and made a day of watching the movies. She just has such a great imagination and all of her characters are fully developed that it made me think more about my characters.

Third, would definitely be P.C. Cast. She's the one that gave me the idea for breaking up the sections of my book by the characters' names. Her entire series is fabulous and I read through them in 2 weeks (only reading here and there while waiting on kids). She just has an excellent way of drawing in the reader. As I read, not only could I see her stories but I felt like I was in them and there was nothing normal going on around me but the story.

Fourth, let's see...Christopher Paolini and his "Inheritance" series. His creatures were so well thought out to create four books. He was really looking down the line from the first book to his last. That's what gave me the idea of a trilogy for my books.

Lastly, I'm going to cop out and say...myself!

Cover Reveal!



The Queen is once again ruling her subjects only this time it is a school for the ‘different’ children. A school full of vampires, witches, warlocks, elves and fairies, one that is feared and hated by all who attend. A new group of witches and warlocks show up to her gates and cause all kinds of havoc within the school. An ancient lover and the Queen are reunited but at what costs? A new, as well as an old lover unite to attempt to take the Queen off her throne. Will it work? Will the Queen maintain her horrendous rule over the students? Can the spells woven work and change history?

♥ ♥ ♥

Thanks so much for taking the time to answer our questions Jodie! More information on Jodie and her novels can be found here:

Jodie Pierce

Purchase Links:

The Vampire Queen
The Vampire Chronicles
Demise of the Vampire Queen - Release Date: November 1, 2012
Condemned by a Vampire
Tales of the Vampire:From A-Z-It's an anthology
The Reluctant Vampire
Midnight Thirsts 2

1 comment:

  1. I love Jodie Pierce and her books! The cover is awesome!


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