October 11, 2012

Feature and Follow Friday #4

Follow along with the Blog Hop hosted by Parajunkee's View and Alison Can Read.  Be sure to follow the Blog Hop Hosts and this weeks featured blogger  and as many other bloggers on the list as you can. Don't forget to add your name to the bottom of the list!

Be sure to post a comment on each bloggers site so they know you have followed and can follow you back.

Q:What book do you think would make a great Halloween movie? Please explain in graphic detail of goriness…

A: Even though I only like the first 240 pages of Ashes by Ilsa J. Bick with all the flesh eating, blood letting, and ripping off of body parts this book would make the perfect Halloween movie.

Halloween Movie Checklist:

Gun fights 
Rabid dogs 
Flesh eating 

Yup it would definitely make a great Halloween movie. :)


  1. Wowza this book sounds like definite horror movie material. Maybe we'll be seeing it on the big screens one day. Thank you for following and I am now following you back! 8)

  2. Sounds awesomely gory!! I'll have to check it out!

    My FF

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog~ I'll be sure to check out that book.

    Old follower,

  4. Haven't read that one but looks like it's be a great choice! :D Old follower. My FFs are at Musings on Fantasia and LKHill. Happy Friday! :D

  5. Sounds awesome. I ordered Ashes and its sequel this week and look forward to reading them.

    Old follower. I'm not fully participating in Feature and Follow Friday (I can't think of a book I'd want made into a Halloween movie), but I wanted to comment on your answer. :)

  6. I hadn't heard of that book before but apparently it has just about everything a horror flick could use! New follower (Frodosco - GFC). If you would like to check out my FF you can do so here. :)

  7. Yeah, I haven't heard of this book either but it obviously has all the ingredients needed to make a good movie for Halloween!!

    New Follower!!

    My FF @ Marilyn's Mystery Blog

  8. That does sound like a creepy read! Make a great movie!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  9. sounds gory! and great too :) I am an 'old' GFC follower :) Here's my FF post for this week.
    Have a fantastic Friday :)

  10. oooh, now that sounds like a good book to movie.

    Old follower.

    Thanks for stopping by.

  11. @Sharrice Hewlett

    It totally was. And the sequel was even more gory!

    Thanks for the follow. :)

  12. @Ali @ Ginger-read

    Oh it definitely was! And the sequel, Shadows, was even gorier. Thanks for stopping by! :)

  13. @Cindy Mai

    Yes, definitely do so! It's sequel is even scarier! Thanks for stopping by! :)

  14. @Cindy Mai

    It's definitely scary! That's for stopping by! :)

  15. @Moonlit Librarian

    I really enjoyed the first 240 pages of Ashes, the rest not so much haha. But it's definitely scary! I hope you enjoyed!

    Thanks for stopping by. :)

  16. @biochemguy

    It definitely has everything. LOL you name it, it's in this book. Thanks for the follow, heading over to your blog now! :)

  17. @Marilyn Phillips

    Oh it's definitely scary haha. Thanks so much for the follow! Heading over to your blog now! :)

  18. @Jessica@a GREAT read

    Totally creepy!!! Haha yup it would make a super creepy movie haha. Thanks for stopping by! :)

  19. @Lexxie Lin

    OMG it's so gory! But the sequel is even more so! Thanks for stopping by! :)

  20. @Jennifer Bielman

    I enjoyed the first 240 pages a lot! LOL after that not so much haha. But yeah, it would totally make a great movie. Thanks for stopping by! :)

  21. Have got to get around to reading this one. Second book is on its way soon too!

    Nikki @ Books Most Wanted

  22. The cover looks scary! :o

    ~Stephanie @ Bookfever

  23. Great Choice!!!! :)


  24. Oh, even the cover looks creepy! I haven't read this one and I think I'm best to stay away! I don't think my imagination could take this one!

    New Follower!

    Here's my FF Post!

  25. @Nikki

    I can't say much about the second book or the second half of the first one LOL, but the beginning is defintiely worth a read! :)

  26. @Ashtyn

    It's definitely creepy! LOL It's definitely hard to take. I had to keep stopping!

    Thanks for the follow! :)

  27. Wow sounds like a really creepy and scary book. And it sounds like a great Halloween movie!
    New follower :)
    Thanks for stopping by!

  28. I really want to read that one!! Thanks for stopping by :)

  29. This sounds like it would make the perfect horror film! I don't think I could watch it though as it seems so creepy. Thanks for following, I'm following in return :)

    Becca @ Lost in Thought

  30. Sounds ghastly and totally creepy. Perfect for halloween but certainly one I would avoid. I can't do horror films!

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  31. I couldn't get into Ashes! Great choice though! Following back

  32. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I haven't read this on yet, so I'll have to check it out!
    New follower via GFC :D


  33. Thanks for the follow! The book Ashes sounds creepy. Not sure if I could read it. Your blog is awesome. We both used themes from Nymfont ;)

  34. I haven't read this one, but dang it DOES sound good! Thanks for sharing and stopping by!

  35. @Jessi (Geo)

    You should the beginning was a great read! :)

  36. @Jessi (Geo)

    You should the beginning was a great read! :)

  37. @beccabooklover

    It's so ridiculously creepy! Thanks for following back! :)

  38. @barmybex

    Haha it is! Aw, horror isn't for everyone. :)

  39. @Beth

    Yeah halfway through the book it got terrible LOL. :) Thanks for following back!

  40. @Crystal Licata

    It's totally creepy! Haha and yeah I saw that! She has awesome layouts! :)

    Thanks for following back.

  41. @Joie

    It's totally freaky! Any time thanks for checking us out too! :)

  42. Just looking at the cover gives me the creeps lol Congrats on the Blogger spotlight! And thanks for checking out my blog :D New follower

    Kaina @ These Flying Pages

  43. Totally sounds like it would make a great movie. Eek all that gore! Also...I am a new follower. Mine is...Witchy Reviews FF :)

  44. @Kaina Right? It's such a creepy cover. Aw, thanks so much! And thanks for stopping by!

  45. @Witchy Reviews Haha right? Lots of gore. Oy. Thanks for the follow, I followed you back! :)

  46. That sounds way too creepy!! I love horror books :))
    OLD Follower!
    Check out MY FF


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