October 30, 2012

Tune in Tuesday #4

Tune In Tuesday is a weekly feature in which bloggers get to showcase another one of their loves, music! The feature is hosted by Ginger over at GReads! but until further notice you can find it over at Kate’s Tales of Books and Bands. If you would like to participate in this weekly feature, make a blog post showcasing a song (or a few) and link up at the bottom of this post!

Andi emailed me at around 2:30 in the morning a few days back because she stumbled on a cover of the song 'Come Little Children' from Hocus Pocus , one of the best Halloween movies ever! Check it out if you haven't seen it.

She was right of course. This cover is hauntingly beautiful. I don't know what it is about it that sends chills up my spine, but it's seriously the best part of it is the video that someone made to go along with the song. Let me just say this, children are creepy. Or at least the ones from the TV Show Supernatural are.

And in honor of Halloween tomorrow, we thought this would be the perfect song for this week! Check it out below.

There are two versions of the song below, I like them both haha.


  1. Love your Halloween-ish pick this week! Hocus Pocus is the one movie I most look forward to watching each year around this time and I am LOVING the cover of this song. Great picks & don't forget to link up!

  2. @talesofbooksandbands.com Thanks! Hocus Pocus is one of my favs! I'll try to link this up with the hop as soon as I have internet access. I'm in Jersey and apparently Sandy hates us on the East Coast haha.


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