November 23, 2012

Blog Tour: Volcanoes (Grace Murphy #3) by Nicole Hamlett

Volcanoes (Grace Murphy #3) by Nicole Hamlett
Age Group: Adult
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Release Date: August 6, 2012
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Book Description:

Be careful what you ask of Fate - sometimes she gives it to you.

When we last saw our heroine, she'd watched her faithful pet rip off her new best friend's head to save her son's life and Atlantis was rising from the depths. Now, Grace Murphy is back in the third installment of the Huntress series, but this time she's facing an all-out war. It's critical that Nyx (and Atlantis) stay buried, but her psychotic brats will do most anything to get her back.

You didn't think that was all, did you? Of course there's more!

With Hypnos invading her dreams, Dylan caught up in the throes of his "change" and juggling her relationships with two hunky Gods, Drew and Heph, to say Grace's hands are full would be an understatement.

Grace wished her life would just go back to the way it was before, and that she wouldn't have her powers or responsibilities anymore. Unfortunately, it looks like Fate answered this time. The results aren't pretty.

♥ ♥ ♥

Giveaway: 1 ebook copy of Volcanoes (Grace Murphy #3)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

♥ ♥ ♥

Author Bio:

Nicole Hamlett is a single mother from Colorado Springs, living in Los Angeles, California. When she’s not writing books she enjoys reading, cooking and video games and can often be caught enjoying indie alternative music.

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  1. Thank you so much for this article.It is very useful, hope you will share with us more.
    hawaii volcano tours

    1. Dina, this is actually a fiction book about volcanoes! But it does look great! :)


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