November 18, 2012

Promotional Event: Keepers of the Zodiac by Sharon Wood

Keepers of the Zodiac by Sharon Wood
Age Group: Young Adult
Genre: Fantasy
Release Date: September 24, 2012
Buy Links:


Book Description:

The stars have shifted and the Earth is rapidly moving into the throes of chaos. Four god-like beings known as the Zodiac High Council, send their winged herald, Syrie, out with twelve sealed envelopes. His mission? To bring a chosen group of thirteen future Zodiac Keepers, including a set of mesmerizing twins, to the Isle of Oriba for training.

Syrie never could have imagined that he would fall in love along the way—ultimately forcing him to choose between betrayal and death. Keepers of the Zodiac is an enthralling tale of obligatory fate, temporary hope, and impossible love.

♥ ♥ ♥

Giveaway - Signed Paperback Copy of book - US and Canada Only

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Author Bio:

Sharon Wood is a married, mother of two boys. She was born and raised in Northern California, and attended college at San Jose State University, where she studied Marketing. A self-proclaimed Disney fanatic, Sharon enjoys collecting Vinylmations and talking about Disney related things to anyone that will listen. Besides writing, she enjoys playing and coaching volleyball, dancing, and reading. Keepers of the Zodiac is her first novel, and she is currently hard at work on the sequel!

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  1. Thank you, Ladies for hosting :-) Love your adorable site!

  2. Thanks for the post! I'm having fun following this tour.
    FYI, due to your reviews, I now know what I'm reading next! Thanks for the nod!

  3. @Corina Lombardi
    You got me with the thing about liking the cover! I do the same thing!

  4. This is a fun, interactive site. Great colors and overall look.


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