November 2, 2012

Random Column: No Complaints Here

Power Outage Day Five
And Random Photos

I woke up again this morning to no power, not a shock; the power company guys are saying we’re probably going to be without power until Monday. The sad part is I’ totally getting used to waking up in the dark, haha. There’s a daily ritual of getting to Panera Bread by 6:30 now to beat the rush and get a comfy seat so my ass doesn’t hurt for four hours straight. But hey it is what it is. No complaints here. People have been awesome and everyone has really come together, which is kind of cool.

Panera Bread has been super awesome letting some of us sit here for hours and totally drink all their coffee and use all their internet. Robert, one of the general manager's here is an awesome guy, very sweet and he’s doing his best to keep the customer’s happy. I’m at the Panera Bread in South Plainfield off of Centennial Ave so if there’s anyone out there near here and you can safely leave your house come on over and drink some coffee with me, I get bored easily haha.

Panera Bread

I hope everyone is keeping safe and a huge thank you to all the firefighters, clean-up crews and PSE&G guys out there trying to get things running. I’ve been out side in pitch black dark since 5am and so have they, probably longer.

Now for the random picture portion of today because visuals are awesome.


  1. Good luck Cori! I'm glad you have somewhere warm and cozy to find refuge... and drink a lot fo coffee! Marion x

  2. @marion croslydon Thanks Marion! The power is still out here, going on day five, but we're all together and we're doing what we can to stay warm! Panera is keeping me in Coffee! :)

  3. And are we thanking the coffee gods that it is a place that serves coffee that has power and internet not some other store? :P Glad you're doing okay

  4. @Andi Totally. Starbucks was turning people away and Dunk and Donuts was packed I didn't even try. Panera Bread is the best! Haha :)


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