December 10, 2012

Blog Tour: Author Spotlight - Danica Winters

Today I'm pleased to welcome author Danica Winters to the blog to talk a little bit about her novel The Vampire's Hope and being a writer.

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What was the plot of your very first piece of unpublished fiction you ever wrote?

LOL Oh GEEZ! That’s a terrible question. My first full length novel was dreadful. It was about a man who fell in love with a waitress, but was being stalked by his former girlfriend (a schizophrenic killer).

It was awful, but it was my first attempt at writing professionally and it was what started me writing. So even though it was the worst book EVER, I’m glad I wrote it. It inspired me to always keep learning and working on my craft.

Writers tend to have a pretty active imagination for obvious reasons, if you had to describe what the inside of your head was like what would you tell us?

I don’t think anyone would want to live in my head. Most days I think I may actually have a Mom brain—one simple thought turns into a list of a thousand things that I need to do, say, write, and/or change. I’m constantly working on something.

How did you come up with the idea The Vampires Hope?

I’m a Wikipedia addict and I was researching Pandora’s Box (which is actually a jar). I read about the Keres, or hope—which in Greek mythology is considered to be evil. They believed hope garnered weakness. And I immediately had to write the story.

As you were writing The Vampire's Hope, was there a particular scene or character that surprised you, like doing something you didn’t expect or a scene taking you somewhere you hadn’t planned?

I love Lady Katherine—she was so dark and dangerous. And without telling too much, there’s a possibility that she may end up in the next book in the series.

Who was the hardest character to write in The Vampire's Hope? Why?

I have to say this would be the main character, Ellie. In the beginning of the story, she is unable to feel and is an emotional abyss. As a woman, I’m an emotional creature and I had a hard time thinking about how it would be to be without the constant ebb and flow of emotions.

What are you most satisfied about when it comes to The Vampire's Hope?

Here’s the honest truth, Vampire books are hard to write. Not because the premise is hard or the plot is a challenge, it is because of the market. People tend to only want one of two Vampires—either the sparklers (which I do like) or the synthetic blood drinkers (which I also like). When I wrote a vampire who drinks blood fresh from the vein, there have been some readers that hate this.

I knew the risk of working with ‘bad’ vamps. I went with my heart and took these characters where they needed to go and used the ‘true’ vampires as my premise. They are slightly antagonistic, but they are historically what vampires have been (think Dracula). And I ended up loving them more for it.

Do you prefer hard copy books or e-readers, why?

I used to be a diehard paperback reader. However, now that I found I can listen to books on my Kindle I find that this is my preferred method of reading. My eyes get tired after a long day of writing and editing and it’s nice to just lay back and listen to a good book at night!

When you’re not writing, what do you like to do?

There are few moments when I’m not writing, editing, plotting, or on social media, but when I do have free time I love to spend time with my family in the outdoors. This time of year I love to sled. We have a steep driveway and a four-wheeler which makes for ideal sledding (I don’t have to hike back up the hill).

Read any good books recently?

I’m always reading. Lately I have been reviewing books for new authors and I read Josey’s Christmas Cookie about a hound dog and it’s owner. It was a short story, but it was so cute! I also recently read California Sunset by Casey Dawes. It was such a great book!

Who are your five favorite authors and why?

Bram Stoker
Jane Austen
Helen Fielding (Bridget Jones’ Diary)
Charlaine Harris
Suzanne Collins

Thanks so much for taking the time to answer our questions! More information on Danica Winters can be found below:

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Author Bio:

Danica Winters is an Amazon best-selling romance author based in Montana. She is known for writing award-winning books that grip readers with their ability to drive emotion through suspense and often a touch of magic. She is a member of Romance Writers of America, Montana Romance Writers, and Greater Seattle Romance Writers. She is a contributor to magazines, websites, and news organizations. She enjoys spending time with friends and family, the outdoors, and the bliss brought by the printed word.

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GIVEAWAY: 15 Ebook copies of The Vampire's Hope by Danica Winters Ends Feb. 8th

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