February 21, 2013

Blog Hop: YA Paranormal Hop

Young Adult Paranormal Giveaway Hop
February 21st - 27th

Co - hosted by YA Between the Lines
Featuring Young Adult Books with Paranormal elements.

Since I like way too many young adult paranormal books because I read way too much I couldn't pick just one book to give away therefore I'm giving away five. Take a look at the below montage and choose any five. They're all eBook versions so this giveaway is open internationally. Kindle format only.

Barely Alive (Barely Alive, #1)Mortal Obligation

Darkness Becomes Her


Corina's favorite books »

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I really liked the Paranormalcy books by Kiersten White

  2. Probably Girl of Nightmares.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  3. I love YA Paranormal books. Thinking back on my favorites, I would have to go with "Poison Study" and "Cinder." In "Poison Study," there is an unexpected romance with real, deep character development. I love the character of Valek. He appears to be inhuman only to be one of the very human characters in the story. In "Cinder," I appreciate how closely the author followed the fairytale of 'Cinderella' without being confined by it. There was still a lot of freedom in Marissa Meyer's universe and I kept find myself wondering how is she going to fit that into this story?
    Thanks for the giveaway!

    mestith at gmail dot com

  4. @PuttPutt1198Eve I loved the Hunger Games! I'm not sure it's classified as Paranormal, but it's seriously one of the best book series out there! :)

  5. @RIN Oh I'm glad to hear it! That's on my 'To Read' list. Can't wait until I get there! :)

  6. @Jillyn Ohh I've never heard of that, but it sounds interesting! Going to check it out! :)

  7. @Meghan Oh Cinder is on my 'To Read' list but I haven't heard of Poison Study! I'm going to have to check it out! Thanks for the info! :)

  8. I like The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer. :)

  9. I love the Vampire Academy series. thanks for the great giveaway.

  10. Twilight and Harry Potter

    Rafflecopter Name Dawna Newman

    1. I loved Twilight! I haven't read Harry Potter, but I hear the books are amazing! :)

  11. Replies
    1. I've never read that one, but I'll definitely check it out! :)

  12. I don't have a favorite novel but I have a lot of favorite series like Chicagoland vampires and Vampire Academy series... Thanks for the great giveaway!

    1. Vampire Academy is on my to-read list! I haven't heard of Chicagoland though I'll have to check it out! :) You're very welcome, thanks for stopping by!

  13. my fav Ya romance novel is "Shatter Me"!

  14. I really liked the Twilight series. Thanks for the great giveaway!

    1. Same here! You're more than welcome, thanks for participating! :)

  15. YA paranormal romance is not real high on my list, I love YA paranormal reads generally because they are often more story driven rather than everyone crushing on one another and just about anything can happen. Of course there is always a cute guy and girl that are drawn to each other, but this is usually more awkward than romantic. On the romance side you have to include Twilight, Beautiful Creatures, and the Seasons of the Moon series by SM Reine (probably my favorite), among only a few. Thank you for your generous sharing :)

    1. I don't think I've ever heard of the Seasons of the Moon series I'll have to check it out. I love me some supernatural romance haha. Thanks for stopping by and participating! :D

  16. The Lux series and Anna Dressed in Blood are pretty good :)

    1. Ohh I haven't heard of the Lux series I'll have to check that out! Anna Dressed in Blood is on my to-read list! :)

  17. I loved Daughter of Smoke & Bone by Laini Taylor!

  18. Hmm, most of my favorite YA reads would probably fall into fantasy rather than paranormal, but I've started the Mortal Instruments series, and like it a lot.

  19. right know is lux series ... obsidian

  20. Love Covenant Series, Shatter Me and Sweet Evil! Thanks!


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