March 14, 2013

Review: Memoirs Aren't Fairytales: A Story of Addiction

Memoirs Aren't Fairytales: A Story of Addiction by Marni Mann
Age Group: Adult
Genre: Memoir
Release Date: December 13, 2011
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Book Description:

A dark tale of a young woman's descent into the hell of drug addiction."I could feel my chin falling towards my chest, my back hunching forward. My body was acting on its own, and my mind was empty, like all my memories had been erased. There was scenery behind my lids. 

Aqua colored water and powdery sand that extended for miles. I was never going back to coke. I wanted more heroin. And I wanted it now. "Leaving behind a nightmarish college experience, nineteen-year-old Nicole and her best friend Eric escape their home of Bangor, Maine to start a newlife in Boston.

Fragile and scared, Nicole desperately seeks a new beginning to help erase her past. But there is something besides freedom waiting for her in the shadows- a drug that will make every day a nightmare.


With one taste, the love that once flowed through Nicole's veins turns into cravings. Tracks mark the passing of time, and heroin's grip gets tighter. It holds her hand through deaths and prostitution, but her addiction keeps her in the darkness. When her family tries to strike a match to help light her way, Nicole must choose between a life she can hardly remember, or a love for heroin she'll never forget.

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Jeez I was a wreck while reading this book. (points to Fiona gif) that was me. I just couldn't stop tearing up and occasionally yelling, telling Nicole to stop being so dumb! Mean, I know.

Memoirs Aren't Fairytales: A Story of Addiction is an absolute emotional tear jerking rollercoaster. I cried my eyes out at certain parts of this story, I couldn’t help it Marni Mann went to some dark places when she wrote this book and there were several times where I actually had to put it down because it got so intense, which was hard to do because I was dying to know what happened next.

It’s hard to imagine what people with an addiction go through and what life is like for them, but Mann cracks open that barrier and gives us a peak into their mind frame by following Nicole and Eric’s descent into hard core drug use. At first I didn’t understand why Nicole was hurting so much, why she felt the need to get loss in the abyss of drugs, prostitution, and thievery. But the deeper into the story you get, hints start popping up.

Things she thinks or says until finally you see her breaking point in a flashback. You see what happened that caused this fall from all American college girl to what she became throughout this book. When Nicole and Eric first move to Boston you think maybe things will be okay, but it isn’t long before they start spiraling out of control.

Nicole seems to be a different person when she’s on drugs and the people they, encounter on their journey, well, they aren’t pretty. I felt terrible for Nicole’s family once they finally figured out what was going on. I don’t want to spoil anything major for those of you who haven’t read this book yet, but I will say there is more than one death in it.

It takes a really good writer to be able to tell a story like this and not go overboard or sugarcoat things and I think Mann did an excellent job of walking the line between the two. It’s hard for me to picture anyone going to the depths that Nicole did just for a score, but I know stuff like this happens all the time and it’s incredibly sad.

Memoirs Aren't Fairytales: A Story of Addiction was an amazing book and I’m looking forward to reading the second book in the series. Hopefully letting us know that Nicole is working through her issues…or not, I guess we’ll see!

♥ ♥ ♥

Author Bio:

A New Englander at heart, Marni Mann, now a Floridian is inspired by the sandy beaches and hot pink sunsets of Sarasota. A writer of literary fiction, she taps a mainstream appeal and shakes worldwide taboos, taking her readers on a dark, harrowing, and gritty journey. When she's not nose deep in her laptop, she's scouring for chocolate, traveling, reading, or walking her four-legged children. Scars from a Memoir is her second book, a sequel to the highly regarded Memoirs Aren't Fairytales: A Story of Addiction. Having heard from readers that Young Adult versions would be appreciated, she created special editions of each novel that are intended for younger readers.

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