March 7, 2013

Review: Paranoia (Wisteria #2.5)

Paranoia (Wisteria #2.5) by Bisi Leyton
Age Group: Young Adult
Genre: Fantasy, Dystopia
Release Date: November 7, 2012
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Book Description:

This is a Wisteria Short Story.

Escaping from zombie infested Paris, Zola, Juan, Dale and Cheryl crash land on a mysterious island called the Isle of Smythe. Immediately, the shady residents abduct Zola's boyfriend, Juan, as directed by the dictatorial Major. One by one the rest of Zola's friends vanish and it is up to Zola rescue them and escape the island that is determined to turn everyone in slaves.

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I was slightly disappointed that we didn’t get any Bach in Paranoia, but my disappointment was curbed by how totally badass Wisteria was in this short story. If you remember, after I read Myopia I complained about how Wisteria was always taking other peoples crap and never standing up for herself. That’s something that always sort of bothered me because not only has she saved half the people on the Isle of Smythe, but she’s a tracker and they are badass. 

Anyway, in this short, a group of outsiders come into the Isle of Smythe. They crash their plane and get taken into quarantine. The thing I found really interesting about this story was that it was told from the outsiders point of view, so we saw how people not from Smythe, view the island and its inhabitants. I did not like Zola; she was another Hailey, who I often if not always want to throttle.

I don’t want to give away the whole story, but she and her friends break in somewhere, they get caught and Wisteria totally owns her when Zola tries to give her shit. It might be one of my favorite scenes ever. It finally shows her standing up and using her skills in a way I think she should always use them.

I’m super tired of Wisteria always taking peoples garbage and never defending herself. She defends the people she cares about, but it’s like she doesn’t feel like she herself is worth defending and that won’t do. But I digress; Paranoia was an awesome little in-between story to tide me over until I buy Aporia.

♥ ♥ ♥

Bisi Leyton
Author Bio:

Bisi Leyton was born in East London in 1978. She grew up in London, Nigeria and the States, listening to the stories life and love from aunts, cousins and big sisters.

She lives in London, but has worked around Europe including France, Germany, Ireland, Belgium and the Czech Republic. She has a fondness for reading graphic novels, and

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