April 24, 2013

Blog Tour: The Watcher - Character Interview: Mia Crawford

The Watcher by Lisa Voisin
Age Group: Young Adult
Genre: Paranormal
Release Date: March 4th 2013
Buy Links:

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Book Description:

Millennia ago, he fell from heaven for her.

Can he face her without falling again?

Fascinated with ancient civilizations, seventeen-year-old Mia Crawford dreams of becoming an archaeologist. She also dreams of wings—soft and silent like snow—and somebody trying to steal them.

When a horrible creature appears out of thin air and attacks her, she knows Michael Fontaine is involved, though he claims to know nothing about it. Secretive and aloof, Michael evokes feelings in Mia that she doesn’t understand. Images of another time and place haunt her. She recognizes them—but not from any textbook.

In search of the truth, Mia discovers a past life of forbidden love, jealousy and revenge that tore an angel from Heaven and sent her to an early grave. Now that her soul has returned, does she have a chance at loving that angel again? Or will an age-old nemesis destroy them both?

Ancient history is only the beginning.

♥ ♥ ♥

Interview with Mia: 

Welcome, Mia. I'm happy to have you here today. 

Lisa: Can you start off by telling me your name and the title of the book you live in?

Mia: Thanks! My name’s Mia Crawford, and I live in a book called The Watcher, by Lisa Voisin.

Lisa: Describe to our readers your role in the book:

Mia: My role? I guess I’m the main character, but I never expected to be, or to get all this attention. Interviews. Wow.

Lisa: Tell our readers a bit about yourself

Mia: Well, I’m seventeen, and I’m in my senior year of high school at Westmont. My mom and I moved to West Seattle from Denver a year ago, when she and my dad got a divorce. I’m hoping to study anthropology in college next year.

Lisa: What college to you plan on going to?

Mia: Probably U Dub (University of Washington) right here in Seattle. Their anthropology undergrad looks pretty good. It helps that it’s close to home and more affordable for mom and me. Though I’ve applied to the University of Michigan as well, but it’s further away.

Lisa: How did you meet Michael Fontaine?

Mia: This lifetime you mean? (God I hope Heather doesn’t read this! She’ll think I’m insane!) Um. I met Michael at school, but I saw him in the woods, and at the mall before that. It was actually pretty awkward.

Lisa: Why?

Mia: Because I knew that I knew him from somewhere, but I didn’t know where. And I was starting to sense things about him, when he was around. On some level, I knew he had answers, that he must have seen the same things I did, but he was just so… so… evasive.

Lisa: Considering how evasive he was, as you put it, how could you trust him?

Mia: I just did. He’s an angel, right? But seriously, there’s more to it than that. I think I remembered him before I really remembered the details about him. I could sense something around him too—all this light, and I couldn’t sense that without thinking there was more to it.

Lisa: Exactly how much of your past with Michael do you remember?

Mia: Not everything, that’s for sure! But I do have some really wonderful memories, even though we only had a few years together before I died.

Lisa: Do you think you and Michael will ever be able to have a normal relationship?

Mia: It would be nice, but I’d rather have an “abnormal” one with him than a “normal” one with anyone else. Wow! Does that sound hopelessly romantic, or what?

Lisa: Do you think Damiel got what he deserved?

Mia: Gosh! I don’t know! I don’t think it’s my place to say what he deserved. I don’t know if deserving was even a part of it. I can only say that what happened to him was the only way to truly stop him.

Lisa: Thanks again for agreeing to be interviewed!

Mia: Thanks so much for having me here!

♥ ♥ ♥

Author Bio:

After studying English literature at the University of Toronto and creative writing at Simon Fraser University, Lisa Voisin had the great fortune of being mentored by Nancy Richler and A.M. Dellamonica through Betsy Warland's Vancouver Manuscript Intensive solo program. She is also a teacher of meditation with the Training in Power Academy

A member of the SCBWI (Society for Children's Book Writers and Illustrators), she can usually be found writing at a local cafe in her home town of Vancouver, B.C.

A self-proclaimed coffee lover, when Lisa's not writing, you'll find her meditating in the mountains to counteract the side effects of drinking too much caffeine!

Giveaway: (1) print copy of The Watcher (eBook copy for international) and (1) winged necklace

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