May 21, 2013

Blog Post: Rahway Film Festival

So I know I don’t often talk about the things that are going on in my life because really I’m totally boring, honest. But this June a truly awesome thing is happening.

The Rahway Film Festival.

Why you ask is this so awesome? Yes, I know people have film festivals all the time, but this one is in Jersey (where I live) and it was completely funded by Kickstarter.

I have all kinds of love for Kickstarter and not just because they funded a Veronica Mars Movie (though I won’t lie that’s probably a huge part of it).

I love that there's a place people can come together and make things happen. It’s such a great community and they have some truly inspired endeavors on there from all over the country. I wish I could back every single project, but alas I don’t have billions of dollars, though at least you know if I did I wouldn’t spend it all on DVD’s (they are my kryptonite).

Anywho, I digress. The Rahway Film Festival is the first International Short Film Festival of its kind being held in cooperation with the Union County Performing Arts Center.

The Founder and Director, Gina Rodriguez, is a peach! She was nice enough to indulge me while I bombarded her with question after question about the event, short films, and entertainment. It’s safe to say I am super impressed with what they were able to throw together.

I’ll be attending the event, so eventually there will be an obnoxious amount of photos up here for all to see. Tickets are $15 and can be purchased from UCPAC. You can check out what bands will be there, who the host is and all the other great stuff happening here, this way I don’t need to bore you with a rundown.

The event is on June 21, a month from today, and starts at 6 p.m. If you’re into movies, music and generally having a good time and you live in Jersey or the surrounding area you should definitely come out and support the arts!

If all of that doesn’t convince you to join the fun, there’s FREE FOOD. (In my experience, everyone likes free food. *winks*)

For more information check the Rahway Film Festival out on Twitter and Facebook.

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