July 18, 2013

Blog Post: Flavor of the Month

It's coffee time!

Well, technically if you're me all day is coffee time. Since we've given away hot chocolate and tea over the past couple of months I figured for July we'd head back to the basics. And the basics of course are my favoritest beverage in the whole world, coffee.

In honor of the sweltering (and disgustingly humid) days lately, I thought Wild Mountain Blueberry would be a nice flavor for July. When I first saw this flavor from Green Mountain Coffee, I was like WTF...Blueberry Coffee? Ewwww, but alas I was wrong (it happens some times).

Strange flavors have always piqued my interest so, despite my instant reaction to run in the other direction I get so obsessed with pondering what the Wild Mountain Blueberry coffee would taste like that eventually I had to try it.

And lo and behold, It's delicious! It's not gross at all! When it brews it gives off this amazing aroma that makes you feel like you floating through a field full of perky little blueberry bushes. And then when you take the first sip it's like an explosion of fruity coffee, but not gross fruity, like nutty fruity bean...Wow, that's a terrible description, but it's so hard to describe the party my tongue has when I drink this stuff.

My advice use either vanilla creamer or just regular half and half (or milk if that's your thing) with this so you get the full effect of the flavor. If you used flavored creamers it will probably taste weird. Also you can totally brew it over ice! This flavor is great iced for those hot days!

I take mine with a little bit of half and half and 2 splenda's.  Coffee's never been so delicious! Do you guys have a favorite summer coffee?

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I always go for something with caramel.

  2. I love any flavorite with berries in it :)

    1. Mmm me too! Raspberries, Strawberries, Blackberries! Haha :)

  3. Cinnamon , Chocolate mint, and anything with mocha like hazelnut mocha

    1. Mmm, I love cinnamon, Chocolate with mint and hazelnut! :)

  4. My favorite flavor during the summer is just straight up coffee. Ice coffee keeps me nice and cool :)

    1. Haha never underestimate the power of plain old coffee! :)


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