March 31, 2014

Book Blitz: All My Restless Life to Live

All My Restless Life to Live by Dee DeTarsio
Age Group: Adult
Genre: Romance
Release Date: April 29, 2013
Buy Links:

AmazonB & N

Book Description:

Life is a soap opera, especially for Elle Miller, who writes for one. (Ellen dropped the “n” in her name in hopes of finding a better ending for herself.) When her laptop crashes, she borrows her recently deceased dad’s computer and gets way more than she bargained for.

Elle unravels mysterious communications from his computer, while her mom decides to give Internet dating a try. As Elle tries to save her career at I’d Rather Be Loved with a storyline featuring a trip through Atlantis, she takes a trip to the Emmys, and finds herself in the middle of a romance between a real doctor and a hunk who just plays one on TV.

Friends, family, and clues from “the other side” all help Elle figure out the difference between living the good life and living a good life.

♥ ♥ ♥

Why Guys Should Read Chick Lit

What most guys don’t know, is that women’s fiction has a lot on offer. I don’t think I’m being presumptuous about the reading habits of XYs. My husband (who has earned his title of “beditor”) wouldn’t be caught dead reading *girl* stuff, unless I convince him otherwise.

His biggest complaint is that “women sure do think a lot.” That’s right, we do. Live and learn, hombres.

What can guys learn from chick lit? Lots of cool stuff. Like women think it’s sexier for guys to fill up our cars with gas, than to play bongos on our ass. (See what we did there, it’s sing-songy and rhymes so guys can easily remember it.)

It’s not like men are from Jupiter, that’s why they’re stupider . . . (though if the planet fits!) This is just an open invitation to those he-men of the universe to take a ride on the chick slide. (That sounds dirty but maybe it will help attract their attention.)

There are so many smart, fun women writers, it would be great if guys would read it and weep. For extra relationship-bonus points, they can share their feelings in a bedtime book report! And they all lived happily ever after . . .

♥ ♥ ♥

Author Bio:

Dee DeTarsio is a graduate of The Ohio State University and lives in southern California with her family.

She did not teach herself to read at an early age or write stories by the time she was in kindergarten. She was still wetting the bed and playing in the can cupboard.


  1. Dear Corina,
    Thanks so much for featuring All My Restless Life to Live on your blog! (And I do think guys should definitely be reading more chick lit!) I hope your readers have fun with it! Take care and have a great week!

    1. Haha thanks so much! We were happy to host. Gorgeous cover! :)


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