April 13, 2014

Weekly Round-Up!

I'm always looking for different things to do in order to keep the blog fresh and I realized recently that I've never shared any of the truly amazing places I've found online with any of you. There are so many gems that I stumble upon constantly and so I figured what better way to share them, then in a weekly round-up!

This Weeks Featured Site: The Domestic Rebel

Guys, Hayley is like, the best thing on the internet! Not thing, human person, but still. Oh, and her recipes, my god her recipes…if I liked women I’d have proposed to her by now as long as she promised to keep me in sweets for the rest of my natural born (and probably very short lived) life. I know I mentioned her in my last weekly round-up, but guys…She absolutely deserves it!

Hayley is funny as all hell, her posts are both entertaining and informative, and I mentioned the part about dessert right? Because good god, the freaking desserts. I totally stalk her website and Twitter and I absolutely fan girled the time I tweeted at her and she tweeted me back.

Hayley is super creative and her recipes always have a fun edge to them. She’s got a ton on her site, but some of my favorite recipes by her are listed here:

Red Velvet Cheescake Brownie Bombs
Chocolate Caramel Toasted Coconut Mashmallows
Coffee Caramel Buzz Donuts
Pina Colada Bars.

Honestly I could probably keep going, but if I list every recipe I like here then you’ll never make it over there and you have to check out her site…seriously this is no joke.

Other Awesome Links to Check Out!

1. Z & M’s Uncreatively Tilted Blog - So, their blog is on a bit of a hiatus right now, but it’s still super awesome and while I haven’t personally talked to Megan, Zoey is awesome and totally sweet. Their reviews are great and I love the layout of their blog, which will apparently be getting a makeover before the summer when they come back. I’m excited.

2. The Broke and The Bookish - Who doesn’t love cheap books? Or books on sale? Or free books? You name it and this site has it. I love it because we get to see where the books we want are and get them for less. Plus Paula has awesome crafts! It’s sort of exciting.

3. Former Vandal - I have been spending an absurd amount of time on this website. I love his music. When I blog or read or write I always have some kind of music on and Former Vandal is godlike in his music creating abilities. For those of you who don’t know, my sister (Nicole) and I, are uber obsessed with Teen Wolf and Dylan O’Brien alike (The Maze Runner series is going to be my bitch this summer because I want to get all four books read before the movie comes out in September) and this gem of a guy writes songs based on the show. They are awesome and live on every electronic device I own. I'm telling you check him out. He's even got some great non Teen Wolf related stuff.

Okay lovlies, that's all for this week. Enjoy!

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