October 2, 2014

Blog Hop: Books to Movies Giveaway Hop

The most recent book to movie to hit the big screen was The Maze Runner and since I thought the movie was amazing, I'll be giving away one paperback copy of the book. If you haven't read it, you totally need to and then go see the movie because it was brilliant!

I swear something things translated so well from book to movie. Plus Dylan O'Brien people. He was made of awesome in this movie! Like for real.

Also, don't forget to hop around to the other blogs and see what awesome books they're giving away! Thanks for stopping by!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I've watched The Maze Runner and just LOVED IT. Newt <3

    Now I do want to read them books, I hope I win :3

    Thanks so much for the giveaway and the chance to win <3

  2. I haven't seen the movie yet. I almost always read the book before I watch the movie, so I need to read it first! Thanks for the giveaway! :)

  3. I have not seen it, but I love Dylan O'Brien, so I look forward to seeing it.

  4. I have not seen the movie yet. I'm looking forward to it tho'! I would love to read the book before the movie :)

  5. Omg. Fangirling at the poster! No, I haven't yet unfortunately. :( Thanks for the giveaway~

  6. I've read the book, but I haven't seen the movie yet! I've heard it's really good though, some people even liked it more than the book! Thanks for the giveaway :)

  7. I haven't seen the movie, because I haven't even read the book. But if I win, I'll definitely read it and also watch the movie. :)

  8. I haven't seen it yet, but wanting to!!!

  9. I have not seen the Maze runner but I have several people in the house who do want to see it! Was it good?

  10. No I haven't seen it yet but I would like to seems like it is doing pretty well in theaters.

  11. Not yet, but I want to. Thanks for the giveaway!
    Ann S

  12. (Alisha Sienkiel in rafflecopter)

    I haven't seen it yet but I definitely want to! :)

  13. No I haven't seen the maze runner.

  14. i havent seen it yet, looks good though!

  15. I haven't seen the Maze Runner yet, but many of my students have. They all rave about it!

  16. We saw it and my husband loved it. Thank you


  17. I haven't seen The Maze Runner yet.


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