August 14, 2015

Book Blitz: Inborn (The Birthright Book 1)

Inborn (The Birthright Book 1) by Amy Saunders
Age Group: Young Adult
Genre: Science Fiction
Release Date: July 21, 2015
Buy Links:

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Book Description:

Rosamund Brandt has had a semi normal life for sixteen years. Well, semi normal for a family descended from aliens. Sure, she could create portals and her family had a secret basement. But she went to school, had a best friend, and got her driving permit like every other teen.

However, her definition of “normal” unravels when a killer with multiple powers and an agenda steps into town. When Rosamund herself becomes a target, she has a choice between playing the killer’s game and saving a few, or getting to the core of the murders and stopping them for good.

Rosamund’s choice will save everyone she cares about–or unleash a new era for herself and her family, shattering whatever hope for going back to normal she had.

♥ ♥ ♥


We veered onto a side street, curving around, a sheer drop into the woods on one side. The road straightened for a stretch, and a man marched right down the middle of the street. I fully expected him to hustle to the side, but he didn’t budge as we raced closer. He strutted right toward us, like he was doing it on purpose, aiming his palm directly at the car. I squinted to see better and it looked like something was on his hand.

“What the–?” Bryce’s eyes widened. “Hold on.” He careened left just in time for a blast from the man’s hand device to miss the car and blow up the road instead.

The explosion shot our truck into the air on its side, and before we rammed into the cliff face, I had just enough clarity amidst the panic swirling inside me to shoot us and the truck through a portal. I’d never made one that big and I’m not even sure how I managed it, except I didn’t think too hard. I just reacted and it happened. I guess we were still somersaulting because we hit ground again and I blacked out as an airbag smashed into my face.

When I came to, I heard someone asking if I could hear them. I knew something was wrong, but it took several minutes to figure out that we were upside down. But that was all I was capable of discerning. I heard voices and maybe sirens, and I thought Bryce groaned next to me. I wanted to ask if he was okay, but I couldn’t get the words to form in my mouth.

Eventually, I realized I was in an ambulance and my panic shot back up to a hundred percent. Aliens and human hospitals were not a good combo. I felt something in my wrist and that was probably fine, but if they took blood…that could be a problem. A big problem. But whatever was in the IV in my arm made me woozy and I fell asleep before I could figure out what to do.

♥ ♥ ♥

Author Bio:

I’ve always loved stories. From bedtime tales my parents told me about their childhood (over and over again) to the Berenstain Bears, I lived to hear the next story.

So I guess it’s not surprising that I came up with my own stories and started putting them on paper as soon as I could write. I remember carting notebooks with me to school and working whenever I had the chance (some things don’t really change). Later, I branched out into poetry and plays and experimental works, but I always came back to stories.

Weirdly enough, even though I loved mysteries and sci-fi/fantasy, I focused on writing literary short stories for several years. But everything changed when I wrote my first novel as a challenge in 2009. Not only was it a novel, but it was also a mystery (actually, it’s what became The Jester’s Apprentice). I was hooked, and over the last few years, novel writing has grown into a full-time pursuit. (According to my sister, I talk waaayyy too much to write short stories.)

Beyond writing, I’m a Massachusetts native with strong ties to the Rhode Island coast, and I love to bake, watch movies, and tackle graphic/web design projects.

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