October 15, 2021

Review: Dio In The Dark

Dio In The Dark by Rizwan Asad
Age Group: Adult
Genre: Mythology, Urban Fantasy
Release Date: September 29, 2021
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Book Description:

"Be young tonight, if you must. For tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow you will grow old, and the night will no longer be your lover."

The powers of the pantheon have faded. The gods live amongst the mortals, grasping for what little of their divinity remains.

When Zeus - King of the Gods - goes missing in modern-day Toronto, it is up to his estranged son, Dio, to find him.

And with rumors of The Darkness coming, Dio will have to race to find his father, and uncover the truth before it's too late!

♥ ♥ ♥

First and foremost how gorgeous is the cover of this book? Yes, I have a thing for book art, sue me.

Dio In The Dark is a modern day story about the Greek Gods and how they would be existing in a modern world. I've always had a crazy love for mythology of all kinds and in all inclinations. Rizwan does an incredible job of weaving together histories from the past with modern times and plays on what each God represents when depicting who they are in these modern times.

There's a great sense of humor in throughout the book and I'm not going to lie I don't think I'll get the image of Zeus dressed in tights as an actual superhero out of my head anytime soon. Just the fact that he was willing to go that far to kind of create himself to be seen as a hero in modern times is hilarious.

I also really enjoyed seeing the different relationships between the Gods and how things that happened so long ago were still so fresh in their minds that it caused all kinds of betrayal and poor life choices. Let's be honest, it's not a good book without some poor life choices. The storytelling was done in a way that it allowed you to get into the backgrounds and thick of things almost immediately.

Chapters are short and easy to read, but still woven together intricately. One thing I particularly enjoyed was the back and forth between Dio and Ari. She's a sassy thing and there's nothing better than some sass to go along with a budding mystery. 

Not going to lie, I squealed a bit when Thanatos popped up - I love me some Thanatos and he's just not in enough mythology and retellings and I'm here for it. I don't want to give too much away but I also like how there's an aspect of brother against brother here and that goes back into how Rizwan did a nice job blending the stories of the past with the new.

One of my favorite quotes from the book was, "Lest you forget, gods still roam this land, and when the pantheon is faced with an impossible task, we tend to find ways to emerge victorious."- Zeus

I don't know why I love it so much, or why the the last few chapters painted the most vivid images in me as I read them. But I thoroughly enjoyed Dio In The Dark. I'd definitely recommend it for anyone looking for a quick read that doesn't sacrifice the actual plot to be short. I'd give this book 4 hearts!

Below I'll be giving away a Paperback copy of Dio In The Dark. [ US Only ]
If you're international you can still enter! But It will be a digital copy of the book instead!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Author Bio:

Rizwan is a Toronto-based author of speculative fiction. Fantasy is kinda his thing, but every so often he feels like he’s sleeping too well, and begins work on a horror story.

Aside from writing fiction, he is known as the creator behind Chocolates & Chai, his award-nominated food blog.

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