November 14, 2013

Review: Centaur Legacy (Touched #2)

Centaur Legacy (Touched #2) by Nancy Straight
Age Group: Adult
Genre: Fantasy
Release Date: November 22, 2012
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Book Description:

Camille and Drake are on the run from the head of the Centaur Council, seeking the mythical pasture of Thessaly and a family heirloom that may keep them safe.

As their journey progresses from the rolling hills of Ireland to the snow covered forests of South Dakota, Cami learns more about her mother’s secrets, including a twin brother and a Centaur legacy that puts a death warrant on her entire family.

Camille and Drake don't know who to trust or where to hide. Camille’s family is quick to come to her aid, but who among them can be trusted?

A supernatural benefactor forces Drake to choose between being the man he wants to be and the Centaur warrior Camille needs him to be.

♥ ♥ ♥

Nancy Straight continues to give us fun with centaurs in her second book of the "Touched" series, "Centaur Legacy." This book was a great addition to the series for me, because it answered a lot of the questions I had after finishing the first book, "Blood Debt." It had seemed like Cami's new family was too good to be true, and now the dark side of her father and his lineage is coming to light. "Centaur Legacy" picks up right where the first book left off, with Cami and Drake on the run to Ireland to find answers and hopefully, safety.

This book starts with adventure, and it just keeps going. Like "Blood Debt," this second book is also high paced, as we travel to different countries with Cami and Drake on their quest. Whilethere were point of view switches in the first book, this one definitely has more.

Everything is written in first person, and Straight was kind enough to label each chapter with who's point of view we were in and where that character was located. This was especially helpful since these centaurs were jet-setting around the world, and it was good to see what was happening back home while Cami and Drake were gone.

We also got a lot more insight to Cami's oldest brother, Beau. Beau just turned 29, meaning he has one year left where he is able to marry a Centauride, if one chooses him, and he's left wondering if it is even worth it or if he should start his own life away from the herd. Personally, I really liked Beau. It was nice to get information from a male centaur and to see his views on their society and its rules. Something else that was pretty wonderful about this book?

Cami started to make her own decisions and fully embrace herself as a Centauride! I had mentioned in my review of "Blood Debt” that Cami had just let things happen to her in the first book of this series and I had hoped that we'd see some character development to come. Thankfully, I didn't have to wait long, because Cami is taking charge of her life as well as her powers as a Centauride, and I ended up being her personal cheering squad while I was reading. Obviously,Cami and Drake are still disgustingly in love and growing even closer on their journeys.

They're getting so close in fact, that Cami is pressuring Drake to get even closer. That's right, you know what I mean. Remember in "Twilight" how Bella kept pressuring Edward to have sex, but he was too old school and wanted to put a ring on it first? Well, folks, we've just met our centaur versions of Bella and Edward. Cami is ready to get down and dirty, but Drake is too immersed in the centaur ways to give in, and we're left wondering how long it will take for Cami to break through his resolve (or how many see-through nightgowns she has to wear).

 Their love story has pretty equal weight with all of the other action going on, which is to be expected. With any Young Adult or New Adult book, there is going to be a fair amount of lovey-dovey stuff thrown in there for good measure, but I didn't have a problem with Cami and Drake. I was actually right there rooting for her to put on the nightgown and seduce her centaur (is that creepy? I didn't think so). Let's also talk about how we actually get to see and hear from some of the gods we've been hearing about. How cool is that (Hi, my name is Melissa and I'm a nerd for Greek mythology)?!?

Can there please be more of that on a larger scale in the books to come? Please and thank you! If I had to choose, I would say that I did slightly prefer the first book to this one, but only by a smidge. "Blood Debt" dealt a lot more with explaining centaur lore and mythos, which was like nerd candy to me, but "Centaur Legacy" definitely has more action and adventure in it so maybe your opinion will be different than mine on this thought.

I also missed Bianca and Gage from the first book, and only hope they'll be featured more in the series.
And just FYI, "Centaur Legacy" ends on quite a cliffhanger, so be prepared to grab the third book as soon as you're done. You've been warned.

♥ ♥ ♥

Author Bio:

I LOVE Starbucks’ White Mocha Latte and Mountain Dew, (but not together). I have a lead foot so I set cruise control when I drive, even in 25 MPH zones. I almost never win when I play Angry Birds, but have my 9 year old close, so he can clear the hard levels for me. I grew up on a farm and am opposed to eating fresh chicken (not opposed to meat - just opposed to any meat that was alive a few hours before lunch). I am a huge fan of the show, Big Bang Theory, on CBS.  I have two fantastic sons, three rotten dogs and a husband that I adore.

1 comment:

  1. haha nerd candy about the lore. I love it! I am such a huge fan of this series, so I am happy to see that you enjoyed it too. I am dying for the fourth book!

    Great reviews


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