November 14, 2013

Review: Centaur Rivalry (Touched #3)

Centaur Rivalry (Touched #3) by Nancy Straight
Age Group: Adult
Genre: Fantasy
Release Date: May 15, 2013
Buy Links:

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Book Description:

The Centaur world is rocked as news spreads of the Lost Herd, Camille's existence, and her Centaur protector. A death order against Camille's father and family sends all into hiding.

Camille and Drake leave the country pursued by the Lost Herd as well as by Centaur Council enforcers. Camille's twin brother Cameron is manipulated by the Council Head and is quickly becoming her newest enemy.

Amid unexpected new protectors, enemies, and romances, Camille and Drake make their plans to travel to Africa to confront the Centaur Council. They hope acceptance of Camille as Chiron's heir, yet knowing that her link to the Lost Herd could require them to kill or to be killed.

♥ ♥ ♥

The stakes are being raised in Nancy Straight's third book in her "Touched" series, "Centaur Rivalry." Cami may not have been kidnapped in this book (which is new for her), but she does have a bounty on her head, which may lead to some difficult times. This poor girl. All she wants to do is play with her new centauride powers that she's discovered and try to have sex with the beautiful centaur she's fallen in love with, but the gods just keep throwing her one curveball after another.

It's gotten out in the centaur world that the Lost Herd isn't as lost as everyone might have thought it was, so as a result, shenanigans are going to ensue (and not the fun kind that involve drinking and parties. More like on the run for your life shenanigans).We also get two new characters added to the mix in this book. While on the run in South Dakota, Cami and company meet Katherine and Jessica.

They can tell that something's off with Katherine since she seems to know about centaurs, but is evidently human, and Jessica is a centauride, who actually has a job instead of being up on the revered pedestal Cami is used to seeing centaurides be on.

I really liked the additions of Katherine and Jessica. They have a rich back story filled with reasons why they are so quick to help Cami, when most of the centaur world would rather kill her on sight, and they're a good addition to the group dynamic. I was also interested when it was explained what Katherine is, because we are shown that there is more to this world than just centaurs and humans.

Could there possibly be even more out there that we'll be introduced to in later books? Not only do we get to know new characters, but some of our old favorites, who weren't as present in the last book, are back and ready to join in on the action. Gabe and Bianca arrive fresh after their nuptials (aw), and want to help Cami and Drake out any way they can because that's what friends do (even though Cami seems to have a target on her back and Drake isn't exactly what they were expecting in his new form).

I missed these two in the last book, and I'm glad that Cami has her friend back. As much as I like her and Drake together, it's nice to get away and have a bit of girl time every once in awhile. Another old friend who shows up for the fun is Cami's oldest friend, Daniel. Daniel's just the best. He's funny and isn't afraid to say what he really thinks about Drake or pure-blooded centaurs and their customs, and he's extremely loyal to Cami and just wants the best for her. He only gets better when the sexy centauride bartender Jessica is thrown in the mix. I just want to draw pink fluffy hearts around the two of them.

Can't they just let themselves love each other already?The point of view switches are still there, and while some might not like it, I do. I like the opportunity to get into another character's head to see the same situation from a different light. And if we were stuck in Cami's head the whole time, we wouldn't have gotten those wonderful scenes of Daniel, Jessica, Katherine, and Brent in Las Vegas, or how Daniel managed to get them a penthouse room at the MGM for free (I told you Daniel's the best).

I thoroughly enjoyed this book, and I'm really glad that Straight was able to bring back characters from her first book and add more to them. When it was just Cami and Drake in the last book, it seemed to lag at times, but with their friends and family around them now, there's a new energy and it makes for a fun read. I can only imagine what sort of trouble Cami will find herself in next.

♥ ♥ ♥

Author Bio:

I LOVE Starbucks’ White Mocha Latte and Mountain Dew, (but not together). I have a lead foot so I set cruise control when I drive, even in 25 MPH zones. I almost never win when I play Angry Birds, but have my 9 year old close, so he can clear the hard levels for me. I grew up on a farm and am opposed to eating fresh chicken (not opposed to meat - just opposed to any meat that was alive a few hours before lunch). I am a huge fan of the show, Big Bang Theory, on CBS.  I have two fantastic sons, three rotten dogs and a husband that I adore.

To find more from the Touched Series, click Here

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