Showing posts with label Adult: Science Fiction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Adult: Science Fiction. Show all posts

September 18, 2018

Book Blitz: Unexpected Hostage

Unexpected Hostage (Unexpected, #1) By
Layla Stone
Release date: September 9, 2018
Buy Link: Amazon
Genres: Adult, Romance, Science Fiction
Everyone says he’s dangerous.
Everyone is wrong. 
My new cabin-mate is a telepath and the whole ship’s scared of him. I was too, for about three seconds. He’s quiet, but once I get him talking he’s the most fascinating man I’ve ever known. 
He shouldn’t be in that cage. He didn’t do anything wrong. But good thing he is, because I would love to snuggle down for a long night with a body like his. 
Everyone thinks they’re safe.
Everyone is wrong. 
My race is known for being peaceful, and I was too…until I was electrocuted, kidnapped, sold, and then put in a cage. I’ll get out of here soon, but while I plot my escape, I’ll enjoy my cabin-mate’s attention. She thinks she has figured me out. She’s not even close. 
The ship is being attacked, a perfect diversion. There is only one problem…I want to take my cabin-mate with me.
Note to readers: This is a full length Sci-fi Romance Novel with action, adventure, adult humor and a steamy romance. Mature readers only.


February 19, 2017

Book Blitz: My Delicate Destruction (Wolfegang #1)

My Delicate Destruction (Wolfegang #1) By
Jillian Ashe
Age Group: New Adult
Genre: Science Fiction
Release Date: July 26, 2016
Buy Link: Amazon
They Promised her Hope… 
My name is Katerina Anderson. In 2016, a drug called Hope was created. 
Administered during suspended animation, the drug was supposed to cure the cancer my twin brother and I had. When an earthquake leveled Los Angeles, we were presumed dead. 
Forgotten, we slept. 
The day I woke up, I realized everything had changed. My brother was missing, and everyone else I knew was dead. I booked passage on a ship to find Kris. 
The government thinks I’m a criminal and the cure did more than just cure my cancer. My brother is the only one who might have the answers I need, but that drug and all its false hope set me on a path I’m not sure I can follow. 
Will I find my twin and learn exactly what they did to me before it’s too late?

♥ ♥ ♥

*Get My Delicate Destruction for FREE for a limited time only!*
More books in the series:

I sat in the interrogation room, waiting. I was annoyed. If they were arresting me for the car, then why was I in an interrogation room? Did they need me to confess? It all seemed a little strange. There had to be some sort of retinal scan that threw up some red flags on my lack of identification if I wasn’t there for the whole car thing.

I tried not to panic. I could totally get out of this. All I had to do was sweet talk them into thinking I was a dumb girl who lost her license…or whatever I was supposed to have.

I waited for almost two hours before Officer Smith came in to do the preemptive paperwork. When he was done, he paged his partner, Officer Cromwell.

Officer Cromwell was the big, burly guy who had knocked me out. One of his arms was the size of my torso and he could probably tear me in two.

January 13, 2017

Book Blitz: Fated Destinations

Fated Destinations
Age Group: Adult
Genre: Contemporary Fiction, Paranormal Romance, Science Fiction
Release Date: December 27, 2016
Buy Link: Amazon
FATED DESTINATIONS: A Contemporary, Paranormal, and Science Fiction Romance Boxed Set 
Escape from the everyday with this set of 7 all-new travel-based romances from award-winning authors. These exciting stories span the globe (and beyond!) to spin tales of love and intrigue in exotic locations. Take a mental vacation today with the Fated Destinations box set. 
A Royal Problem by Julie Wetzel
Jessie is tasked with saving a set of jewels from pirates that attack her cruise ship. She jumps overboard and swims for shore, knowing only that she must find Lord Marcus at the majestic castle in Ospioria… 
Mandatory Vacation by Kelly Risser
When workaholic Natalie Olsen is forced to take a vacation by her new boss, she books a cabana at the private island resort of Hibiscus Cay. But instead of relaxing, she finds herself intrigued by the handsome resort manager who seems to be hiding something…
Guide Me Gently by Peggy Martinez Alyssa Monroe always dreamed of escaping to exotic locales as a photographer, so she’s thrilled as she sets off for Dasia Island. But only one guide is willing to take her deep into a forbidden forest… a sexy, tattooed local who sets her blood on fire and gets her camera finger itching.
Hawaiian Sunrise by Melissa J. Cunningham
Betrayed just before her wedding day, brokenhearted Jamie rents a bungalow on the beautiful island of Maui. Will the tour guide who shows her the island also be able to show her how to trust again? 
Jessie’s Girl by Susan Harris
After she lost her mother to cancer, Maxine Fox threw herself into drugs, drink, and partying to cope with the loss. When she is expelled from her third school, her father decides to send her to a catholic private school in Ireland. But tattooed bisexual Max is probably not going to fit in easily… 
Prisms by Kendra Saunders
The invitation was to a diplomatic peace ceremony on the desert planet of Quassdar. But Quassdar is also known for its steamy sex magick rituals, and it seems like Griffin may have gotten things a little bit mixed up… 
Ashes Overboard by Sandy Goldsworthy
For graduation, Aubrey Sheppard’s fiancĂ© gave her a dream Caribbean Cruise vacation. The only problem is, their relationship ended before the ship ever set sail. Now Aubrey—an inexperienced traveler—sets out alone, nervous and unsure. A shared cab ride introduces her to someone new, who’s also trying to move on with his life…
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December 10, 2016

Book Blitz: When Blood Reigns

When Blood Reigns By Barbara Cluster
Age Group: Adult
Genre: Horror, Science Fiction
Release Date: December 5, 2016
Buy Link: Amazon
Marked for death, Alexis accompanies her lover, Yeron, and four survivors of a zombie invasion on a search for the renegades who created a chemical that induces a zombie-like state. 
On the way, ravenous flesh-eaters attack Alexis’s team; one survivor turns on her. She realizes too late that the renegades have been tracking her every move. 
When officials capture her, she becomes deathly ill. Can DNA splicing save her? Will Yeron’s attempts at rescue jeopardize all their lives?

♥ ♥ ♥

Teodon pointed toward Laurel and held a finger to his lip.

“Do not speak out loud. I will understand the answers you think.”

Okay, Yeron’s badly hurt and so am I. I can’t move him without making his injuries worse.

“All right, then I will levitate him. I know how and I will not see him die. Go ahead of us and lead me to Quyeba’s laboratory. You must forget your injuries and pain. It may seem impossible, but Yeron needs your help. I cannot carry two injured people safely, and if you stay, Laurel will come after you again.”

I understand. Alexis struggled onto her hands and knees.

Harsh chewing and slurping sounds issued from Laurel. Despite the pain wracking her body, Alexis crawled toward the door.

She had to find her way back to the lab. Yeron was moaning, and his cries were growing weaker. Teodon lifted him. He depended on her to lead the way. Any second, Laurel would tire of Woehar and come after her.

October 27, 2016

Book Blitz: Dekkir (Galaxy Alien Warriors, #1)

Dekkir (Galaxy Alien Warriors, #1) By Lara Larue
Age Group: Adult
Genre: Science Fiction, Romance
Release Date: October 26, 2016
Buy Link: Amazon
This Alien Warrior will fight—kill—any who dare attempt to take his female. 
Dekkir, war chief and military leader has found his mate…a human. She is tiny contrasted to his hulking size, but her luscious curves and delectable scent call out to his heart like no other. 
Anthropologist Grace was sent by Earth Military Command to act as emissary to Dekkir’s planet. Her mission was clear: make contact and live among the aliens recording details on their culture and world. 
The job should’ve been simple but like the story of her life sh*t got complicated fast. Now she has a hot alpha alien warrior trying to claim her like some caveman. WTH? 
Adding to the chaos of her life, she’s attacked by her own military command. Dekkir is prepared to do whatever it takes to keep her safe. Can they survive the coming battles? Or will they die before he can claim his mate? 
Dekkir is the first book in the Galaxy Alien Warriors series, it features steamy sex, thrilling battles, and plenty of romance. All books in this rock-hard science fiction series can be read as standalones, there are no cliffhangers, and happily ever afters are guaranteed!
♥ ♥ ♥

Grab yours for 99c for a limited time only!


smoothed his tangled hair back from his brow, and gentle warmth swelled inside me. Perhaps the bond was not completed, but I could feel it now. And it was time for me to do something about it.

I took off my boots and settled on the bed with him. After a moment, he stirred, and his eyes opened.
He sat up, startled to see me leaning over him, and then stared at my face. “Your eyes,” he murmured.

“What have you done?”

September 13, 2016

Book Blitz: Terra Nova (The Variant Conspiracy Trilogy, #3)

Terra Nova (The Variant Conspiracy Trilogy, #3) by Christine Hart
Age Group: New Adult
Genre: Science Fiction
Release Date: September 28, 2016
Buy Link: Amazon
The end of the humanity and an unrecognizable future Earth are now days away. After their first glimpse of the Terra Nova virus, Irina and her variant friends know their former employer’s plans are almost at hand. 
Their failed attempt to publicize Ivan and Innoviro Industries’ horrific activities has left them utterly reliant on their own wits and weapons. 
After surviving a catastrophic earthquake in San Francisco and destroying a secret viral testing facility, Irina’s crew has traveled by a variant portal to London. 
On the other side of the world, they begin tracking when and where Terra Nova will be unleashed on the world. 
They know stopping Terra Nova is only the beginning of unraveling Ivan’s plans to reinvent the planet, but if they can’t stop this virus, there will be no one left to save.

♥ ♥ ♥

Faith appeared with four glowing green drinks in a cup holder tray. Clear plastic cups, lids, and straws let the liquid inside glow through. It looked like something that would spawn ninja turtles. 

“These are the Incinerator’s own toxic spills. They’re just vodka and sprite with a capful of that crap they put in glow sticks. Did you know you can drink that shit?”

Jonah reluctantly took a plastic cup. “Are you sure we should drink it?”

“It’s not going to kill us. No more so than the alcohol.” Ilya picked up a cup and took a long generous pull on his straw.

July 9, 2016

Book Blitz: Artificial

Artificial by Jadah McCoy
Age Group: New Adult
Genre: Science Fiction
Release Date: April 4, 2016
Buy Link: Amazon

She struggles to feel human.

In 2256, the only remnants of civilization on Earth’s first colonized planet, Kepler, are the plant-covered buildings and the nocturnal, genetically spliced bug-people nesting within them: the Cull. During the day, Syl leaves her home in the sewers beneath Elite City to scavenge for food, but at night the Cull come looking for a meal of their own. Syl thought gene splicing died with the Android War a century ago. She thought the bugs could be exterminated, Elite city rebuilt, and the population replenished. She’s wrong.

Whoever engineered the Cull isn’t done playing God. Syl is abducted and tortured in horrific experiments which result in her own DNA being spliced, slowly turning her into one of the bugs. Now she must find a cure and stop the person responsible before every remaining man, woman, and child on Kepler is transformed into the abomination they fear.

He struggles not to.

For Bastion, being an android in the sex industry isn’t so bad. Clubbing beneath the streets of New Elite by day and seducing the rich by night isn’t an altogether undesirable occupation. But every day a new android cadaver appears in the slum gutters, and each caved in metal skull and heap of mangled wires whittles away at him.

Glitches—androids with empathy—are being murdered, their models discontinued and strung up as a warning. Show emotion, you die. Good thing Bastion can keep a secret, or he would be the next body lining the street.

He can almost live with hiding his emotions. That is, until a girl shows up in the slums—a human girl, who claims she was an experiment. And in New Elite, being a human is even worse than being a Glitch. Now Bastion must help the girl escape before he becomes victim to his too-human emotions, one way or another.
♥ ♥ ♥

June 26, 2016

Promotional Event: Rarity from the Hollow

Rarity from the Hollow by Robert Eggleton
Age Group: Adult
Genre: Fantasy, Science Fiction
Release Date: March 16, 2012
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Book Description:

Lacy Dawn's father relives the Gulf War, her mother's teeth are rotting out, and her best friend is murdered by the meanest daddy on Earth. Life in The Hollow isn't great. 

But Lacy has one advantage -- she's been befriended by a semi-organic, semi-robot who works with her to cure her parents. He wants something in exchange, though. It's up to her to save the Universe.

Will Lacy Dawn's predisposition, education, and magic be enough for her to save the Universe, Earth, and, most importantly, protect her own family?

Rarity from the Hollow is adult literary science fiction filled with tragedy, comedy and satire. It is a children's story for adults, not for the prudish, faint of heart, or easily offended.

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Jenny (the mother) walked up the hill to Roundabend. She called Lacy Dawn's name every few yards. Her muddy tennis shoes slipped and slid.

I hear her voice. Why won't she answer me?

“Sounds like she’s talking to someone,” Jenny said to the Woods.

Nobody responded. The trees weren't supposed to since Jenny was no longer a child. Her former best friends had made no long-term commitment beyond childhood victimization. They had not agreed to help her deal with domestic violence in adulthood. She hugged the closest tree.

I will always love you guys.

Jenny quickened her pace, stopped, and listened for human voices. A few yards later, she stopped again.

May 8, 2016

Book Blitz: In Irina's Cards (The Variant Conspiracy Trilogy, #1)

In Irina's Cards (The Variant Conspiracy Trilogy, #1) by Christine Hart
Age Group: New Adult
Genre: Science Fiction, Romance
Release Date: May 4, 2016
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Book Description:

Irina Proffer leaves mundane small-town life behind when she experiences visions inspired by a strange deck of tarot cards. 

To get answers, she travels from her northern British Columbia home to the province’s coastal capital. She quickly discovers a world of fringe genetic science and supernatural mystery.

Working for Innoviro Industries, Irina is drawn in by a powerful first love and compelling, yet dangerous questions about the nature of the company’s business. 

Meeting other ‘variants’ brings Irina closer and closer to the dark truth about her origins. She finds herself at the heart of two overlapping love triangles as she scrambles to escape her employer’s grip.

Before she leaves the city, Irina realizes she has merely scratched the surface of a frightening conspiracy on a global scale.

♥ ♥ ♥


We reached the end of the Harbour and the coastline opened up around the corner. I saw a sign for ferries to the US in front of a giant concrete breakwater and a pub decorated with a helm wheel and a mural with starfish and orcas.

The hazy soft blues of the ocean and sky were broken by the jagged edges of American snow-capped mountains on the horizon. The seaside sidewalk had a mix of young families, dog-walkers, and spry seniors in trendy windbreakers.

“You know what they say about the people here in Victoria, right?” said Jonah, as he watched me watch everyone else.

“No, I can’t say that I do. More money than they know what to do with?”

April 27, 2016

Book Blitz: Sonar The Surge (Sonar #3)

Sonar The Surge (Sonar #3) by B. Truly
Age Group: New Adult
Genre: Science Fiction, Romance
Release Date: April 23, 2016
Buy Links:

AmazonB & N

Book Description:

Converge with Your Destiny

Eclipsed by darkness, the Romelands must face the ultimate quest. If they are forced toward the umbra peak, they will be completely obscured.

Symone struggles with her most challenging battles … the conflict within herself. Losing loved ones steals part of her soul. Despair has created a gaping hole where her heart should be. Symone doesn’t even recognize herself. She has to determine if this is the person she’s turned into, or if it is who she has always been.

Nile is an attractive aristocrat whose charm and arrogance drives Symone insane. Beyond Symone’s control, Nile is spun into her life. But she’s not sure if she can have a relationship with him or where that could lead her. Embracing love could make her whole again, but it may also destroy her. Symone must travel through the opaque light in order to find where her destiny lies.

Symone’s family … Shiray and Syira, continue to fight in the feuds of their galaxy. Together they have to find the balance between compassion and sacrifice. Kadanans are being held captive, and they hold the fate of their world in their hands. They have only begun to understand the consequences of the devastating realities of war.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend, is the philosophy the Romelands now abide by. With chaos and turmoil at every corner, they may forget what is worth fighting for. The surge for power has erupted. Only the strongest race will be left standing.

♥ ♥ ♥


Kadeem spoke up, “Nobody fire. This is Adriel, a friend of my mother’s family.”

Adriel could be trusted, being that she just killed her comrade to protect Conan. I would vouch for her now.

“Kadeem, it’s risky for you to be here,” Adriel told him.

“This is war. You shouldn’t have done that, though. Now you’re at risk,” Kadeem replied. “Go now, before it’s too late. I’ll crash the computer system to the feed on these cameras, so you should be safe.”

“Thank you.” Adriel sighed.

“No, thank you,” I told her.

“I will access the code to the door for you to get in,” Adriel relayed. “It will buy time before someone triggers the alarm.”

December 18, 2015

Spotlight: Three Promises

Three Promises by Bishop O'Connell
Genre: Science Fiction/Fantasy
Release Date: December 8th, 2015
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Book Description:

Promises bind, but some promises break…

From the author of The Stolen and The Forgotten comes a collection of stories between the stories, a glimpse of the American Faerie Tale series characters in a whole new light.

For more than fifty years, Elaine has lived the life of an outcast elf, stripped of her rank and title in the fae court. Surrounded by her beloved collection of stolen artwork, we may just learn the secret behind her exile, and the one promise too important to break…

It’s the day we’ve all been waiting for – Caitlin and Edward are getting married!  But few weddings ever go without a hitch. Old promises were broken, and new vows will be made…

In The Stolen, Brendan vowed to help Caitlin rescue her young daughter Court, even if it meant sacrificing himself. Alone and in torment, he has come to accept his fate.  Until an unexpected visitor finds her way into his life…

Plus, an exclusive bonus story about the mysterious Legion of Solomon.
♥ ♥ ♥

November 9, 2015

Book Blitz: Sugar Skulls

Sugar Skulls by Lisa Mantchev and Glenn Dallas
Age Group: New Adult
Genre: Science Fiction
Release Date: November 10, 2015
Buy Links:

AmazonB & N

Book Description:

Welcome to Cyrene, a city where energy is currency and music is the lifeblood of its young citizens. Everyone lives on the grid, and the residents of the world’s largest playground are encouraged to pursue every physical and emotional pleasure imaginable.

Vee is the lead singer of the Sugar Skulls, an all-girl band that is Corporate’s newest pet project. Micah haunts the city like a ghost after an overdose of a deadly illegal street drug knocks him off the grid. When Micah and Vee forge an immediate, undeniable connection, their troubled worlds collide.

Trading concert stages for Cyrene’s rooftops and back alleys, they have to evade vicious thugs and Vee’s possessive manager as they unravel the mysteries connected to their dark pasts. And before the curtain falls, Micah and Vee will bring the city to its knees in their desperate bid for love, home, and a future together.

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The girl in the mirror is an undead supermodel in search of a catwalk. It’s the handiwork of the new styling team Corporate brought in to deal with my hair and paint my face and glue sequins to my eyelids and shove in the black-light contacts after the old team quit.

Not that I’m admitting I had anything to do with them unceremoniously packing their kits and leaving before the last show. Better to point the finger at Jax.

In the group, Jax is “the crazy one.” Damon recruited her a year ago, just before her eighteenth birthday, and she’s driven every styling team we’ve had batshit insane with her demands.

“Spiderwebs,” she decides for her face paint tonight, then points her index fingers at a case of skunk-striped bedhead so legendary, it looks like mice have nested in it. “Just don’t touch the ’do.”

There’s a continuous rumble coming from the front of the house: newbies, fresh off the nanotech install and frothing at the mouth to get a taste of everything Cyrene has to offer.

September 3, 2015

Book Blitz: Hypton 14

Hypton 14 by Morgan Hadley
Age Group: Adult
Genre: Science Fiction, Thriller
Release Date: March 19, 2015
Buy Links:

AmazonB & N

Book Description:

…The hungry ones want in…..

It’s 9012, and inside the life-sustaining bio-dome, human men have been extinct for thousands of years. 

The women have replaced them with sexy robotic male companions, programmed to cook, clean, and satisfy their owners’ most intimate personal requirements.

But there are more creatures left alive outside than anyone ever thought possible. And some of them want to come in.

♥ ♥ ♥


The warm water soaked Rodstang's hair and cascaded over his body, beading onto the plush surface of his chest.

Janie stood with him under the hot spray while he lathered her with the scented foam. She leaned against him, letting the heat of his body and the water uncoil her knotted muscles.

She couldn't believe Aunt Connie, showing up all crazy-eyed like that in the middle of dinner, making her watch that video again. Sending a copy to her watch-mail and telling her to look at it over and over, so she'd recognize Cole.

August 15, 2015

Review: Serial Vengeance

Serial Vengeance by Melissa Wren
Age Group: Adult
Genre: Suspense, Thriller
Release Date: June 6, 2014
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Book Description:

Pulitzer Prize-winning Washington Post reporter Olivia Penn already lost her baby and her best friend. She's not about to lose the biggest story of her career. With the help of her police contact, she's on the case of what appears to be a random string of high-profile suicides sparked by guilty consciences.

But there's something strange about the suicide notes: They all say, "I deserve to die." Olivia is determined to break the story that the deaths are the work of a serial killer. She gets her big break when the killer commits a sensational double murder. "The Punisher" is on the hunt, and adulterers among the elite of Washington, D.C. are his prey. The further Olivia pursues her story, the further her life unravels.

And the more she uncovers, the more she begins to think that solving this case will also lead to discovering the truth behind her best friend's mysterious disappearance two years earlier. Willing to do anything to unveil the identity of the psychopath who is behind the successive murders, she finds herself embroiled in a psychological game, and it's become chillingly personal.

A stalker has been breaking into her home and sending threatening messages. Someone is trying to scare her away from her attempts to bait The Punisher with her news stories-someone close to her. It's a dangerous game she's playing, and it all leads up to a magnificent twist ending. Will Olivia's search for truth turn up anything? Or will her tenacious investigation cause her to lose her job, or her marriage-or her life?

♥ ♥ ♥

I really wanted to love this book, but it just didn’t happen.

I didn’t seem to care about the characters. Olivia often came across as a selfish and pouty child, especially when she was around her husband, Cameron. Nor, did I care for the interaction and conflict between Olivia and Cameron. Their relationship felt flat.

August 8, 2015

Book Blitz: Defiler (Preyfinders #3)

Defiler (Preyfinders #3) by Cari Silverwood
Age Group: Adult
Genre: Romance, Science Fiction
Release Date: July 28, 2015
Buy Links:

AmazonB & N

Book Description:

Our Earth is on the edge of destruction, our cities are pocked with missile craters, and beneath the surface the alien factory queen lurks.

Four women of power may be our saviors. The last is Talia. Gifted by earth magic with a mastery of edged weapons, she’s a katana-wielding, geek chick with a loathing of alpha men. 

Although mating enhances magic, she knows bonding with aliens must surely be wrong. Besides, her destined bond mate, Brask, is an Igrakk warrior of the caveman persuasion. One dominant male is bad enough. Dassenze, the alien man-god in the flesh, also desires her.

As they near their target, Talia’s man problems become the lesser of many evils, for the factory queen awaits them with her nerve chewers and her drills. The price for being avenging, kickass heroines could be a messy death.

♥ ♥ ♥


Ally was helping dry the dishes when she felt him coming, walking through the cane field, the stalks rasping as they brushed his armor. It was a novel experience, having an alien warrior coming for her.

When she looked through the kitchen window, the sun was burnishing his shoulder armor a bright lollipop red. Not a good camouflage color. Maybe in space it worked but in the middle of green cane? Not so great.

She hurried to the door and opened it. The outer fly-screen door squeaked on its spring, as she toed that open too and held it there with her shoulder. No one with him, though the click of Mrs. Stewart arming her pump action shotgun said she wasn’t so sure.

“He’s okay, Mrs. Stewart, he’s a good guy.”

“You sure, love?” Then she stepped out from behind Ally and onto the porch. At times like this, when she wore apron and dress, the contrast between her prim and proper appearance and her no-nonsense armament both awed and amused. Ally swung her gaze back to their visitor.

June 17, 2015

Book Blast: Henry Gallant and the Warrior (The Henry Gallant Saga #3)

Henry Gallant and the Warrior (The Henry Gallant Saga #3) by H. Peter Alesso
Age Group: Adult
Genre: Science Fiction,
Release Date: May 20, 2015
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Book Description:

In the 22th Century, the people of the Solar System have banded together against an alien invasion. Unfortunately, they’re losing—badly.

As the only Natural remaining in the genetically engineered officer corps of the United Planet’s fleet, Henry Gallant has unique mental abilities that have proven essential to the defense against the Titan invaders. Nevertheless his fellow officers lack faith in him, and worse, he has angered prominent men by speaking truth to power.

Despite this, Admiral Collingsworth has given him command of the Warrior, the most advanced stealth warship in the UP arsenal, and ordered him to the alien’s main base to spy, intrigue, and disrupt their war capacity.

Gallant’s mission leads to risky battles and painful choices, but no choice is more personal, or intimate, than the choice to face one’s own death. And for Henry Gallant—a flawed young man in a hopeless situation against overwhelming odds—a dreadful decision looms before him.

He has only one saving grace—he is unafraid.

♥ ♥ ♥


Lieutenant Henry Gallant walked along the cobblestone streets of New Annapolis—head down, mind racing . . .

My orders say take command of the Warrior immediately . . . but no promotion . . . Why not?

He pondered the possibilities, but he already knew the answer. Though he had steely gray eyes, a square jaw, and was taller than nearly everyone around him, what distinguished him most was not visible to the naked eye—he was a Natural—born without genetic engineering.

By the time he reached the space elevator, the welcoming breeze of the clear brisk morning had brightened his mood and he fell into line behind the shipyard personnel without complaint.

Looking up, he marveled; that cable goes into the clouds like an Indian rope trick.

June 1, 2015

Book Blitz: Loving Dangerously Series

Dangerously Mine (Loving Dangerously #1) by A.M. Griffin
Age Group: Adult
Genre: Science Fiction
Release Date: December 14, 2012
Buy Links:

AmazonB & N

Book Description:

After aliens invade and conquer Earth, Eva is transported to a distant slave trading planet. Escape and freedom are her only priority, but none of her martial arts training prepared her for what she faces. 

She finds herself enslaved to the warrior King Taio. Eva’s drawn to this sexy alien male who ignites her heart and body.

Taio is disgusted with the idea of owning a slave—until now. From the moment he sees her, he knows Eva is his for the taking. 

Torn between lust and duty, Taio knows nothing will stop him from protecting his little warrior.

♥ ♥ ♥


April 4, 2015

Cover Reveal: The Dreamer (The Dreamland Series, #1)

Xpresso Book Tours

The Dreamer (The Dreamland Series, #1) by E.J. Mellow
Age Group: New Adult
Genre: Fantasy, Science Fiction
Release Date: May 15, 2015
Book Description:

It’s night. Always night. Dreams guard against the evil forged by nightmares. Infinite shooting stars illuminate a moonless sky. A city stands alone, surrounded by a darkened field. On its fringes, a man watches one star separate from the masses and fall. What survives the crash will unveil a secret centuries long hidden.

Molly hasn’t slept well since the night of her twenty-fourth birthday. Being struck by lightning might have something to do with it, but then again, her chicken did look a little undercooked at dinner. Whatever the culprit, her life quickly catapults from mundane to insane as, night after night, Molly is transported through her once dreamless sleep to a mysterious land illuminated by shooting stars.

March 5, 2015

Book Blitz: The Designed

The Designed by Kate Tailor
Age Group: New Adult
Genre: Science Fiction
Release Date: January 26, 2015
Buy Links:

AmazonB & N

Book Description:

What if the next new drug was you? Raleigh’s body produces a drug that could define the future of medicine if the dangerous world surrounding it doesn’t kill her first.

Eighteen-year old Raleigh Groves can sense disease in others and is suffering from her own unexplained illness as well. After years and dozens of doctor visits, she has given up hope of ever finding a cure, let alone a diagnosis. 

Then she meets a man who explains that her talent and curse are linked. Her body produces a drug, Lucidin, which allows her to sense others. She’s rare, and the drug she makes is coveted.

Rho has spent the last few years on the run. The Lucidin that is racing through his system makes him a target. Surrounded by addicts and dealers on one side and scientists and doctors on the other, he has to rely on his wits and his team to stay one step ahead. So far he has stayed afloat, but some of his brothers haven’t been as lucky.

As Rho and Raleigh collide they must face the perilous world of Lucidin together. Nothing is black-and-white and Raleigh must decide where her alliances lie. Sometimes the hardest heart to sense is your own.

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Rho was just beginning to wake up. Without opening his eyes, his ears began to process his surroundings. All he heard was the whizzing of the extraction machine. His first thought was that they must have extraction machines in hell…and that seemed fitting. His next thought was that maybe he wasn’t dead.

The pain when he moved even the tiniest bit was evidence enough that he still had his body. Suddenly, he felt a rush blast though his veins and his eyes popped open. It was his familiar friend Lucid—but it was edgier and wilder than his own.

Looking down at his arm, he saw that there was only one tube extending from the machine into his port. With the bold Lucid beating through him, he figured that, for once, he was on the receiving end of the greedy machine.

There was another set of piping going to and from the machine, and the tubes were connected to a port in someone else’s arm. Rho felt a wave of excitement. He figured that it must be one of his brothers in the bed next to him—no one else made anywhere near enough Lucid to save him.

February 27, 2015

Book Blitz: Hold

Hold by Claire Kent
Age Group: Adult
Genre: Romance, Science Fiction
Release Date: February 24, 2015
Buy Links:

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Book Description:

Find the strongest man there. Give yourself to him in return for protection. It’s the only way you’ll ever survive.

Convicted of a minor crime, Riana is sentenced to a prison planet—a dark primitive hold filled with convicts vying for power. 

Her only chance of survival is with Cain, a mysterious loner who has won his territory in the prison through intelligence and brute strength. Sex is all she has to offer, so she uses it. 

She’s under no delusions here. No one is ever released, and no one ever escapes. Survival is all she can hope for—until Cain.

An earlier version of this book was published under the same title and a different penname by Ellora’s Cave. It has since been substantially revised and expanded.

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He’d leaned forward to cup his hands under the running water when he sucked in a sharp breath and stiffened suddenly.

Something about the way he moved told Riana something she should have known before. “Are you hurt?”

He didn’t answer. Didn’t even acknowledge the question as he leaned down toward the water again.

Instinctively, Riana got up and walked over to him. “Seriously, are you hurt? I should have asked before. Was it from the fight yesterday?”

“I’m not hurt,” he gritted out, reaching for a towel.

While he was distracted by drying his face, Riana pulled up the side of his t-shirt to expose the side he’d seem to favor a moment before. His entire side was a mass of ugly, purple bruises.

“My God. Cain. My God!”

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