Age Group: Young Adult
Genre: Urban Fantasy, Romance
Release Date: April 10, 2013
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Book Description:
Hidden in the shadows of the Infernos, Celeste is surrounded by the protection of Dante and her brothers. She is a Demon/Reaper a being that should never have been. An elite fighter, Celeste has honed her fighting skills and is a deadly weapon for Dante. Her one weakness? A Fallen Angel she has loved for two centuries.
Marcus a Fallen Angel knew the unconditional love of the Gods, and Angels. But he fell to the mortal plane in dishonor. Five hundred years ago he fell for a mortal, but she spurned him. Taking a vow of celibacy he has dedicated himself to fighting the evils of the world. Believing that he will one day be worthy of his lost mortals love as well as redemption from the Angels who turned him away.
One of the First… Calliope has been released onto the mortal plane. His one and only goal is to destroy Dante and the Reapers. Taking his rightful place as the ruler of the Infernos.
The only weapon that can kill Calliope is the Black Sword, a sword so evil only one creature in existence can carry it. Celeste. But she can’t hunt down Calliope on her own. She is forced to partner with the one being she wants more than life itself, Marcus. Can a Reaper/Demon and a Fallen Angel work together to kill Calliope before he succeeds in taking over the Infernos and releasing hell on earth?
“Even we sometimes lose our way, and the actions today prove that,” he said cementing his fate. Several Angels took flight disappearing into the heavens not wanting any part of Marcus. “His love would have extended to those that had wandered from the path, he would not have wiped them from the face of the mortal plane.”
“Marcus, stop.” Sariel ran toward him on bare feet, her wings flowing behind her. She was the closest thing he could call a friend in the unconditional love of the Congregation.
“No, Sariel.” Marcus held up his hand to stop his friend from coming any closer.