Age Group: Young Adult
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Release Date: March 3, 2013
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Book Description:
He wasn't supposed to remember.
Callie is a royal vampire. She hunts by taking the blood from her victims and erases their memories afterwards. She goes undetected until a victim named Chase approaches her with all his memories intact. He is intrigued and attracted. She is terrified. What happens when a human mixes with the immortal world? Chaos.
Callie’s 18th birthday has passed and she is coming out at the annual blood ball. Will she find a mate or will she suffer the repercussions of her indiscretion? She is brought to the Vampire council and they must decide what to do with Chase. Do they kill him, or turn him to protect their secret?
having mixed feelings about Devour by
Andrea Heltsley. The story starts off with Callie, a royal vampire, and her
friend Jane going out for a hunt. While at the club Callie finds a human named
Chase to feed on and everything from that point on goes to hell. Now I really
enjoyed this story. The writing is flawless and it kept me so engaged that I
finished the book within a day.
loved the characters, especially Cody and Jane. But I’m unsure how I feel about
the instant love connection. In vampire society, especially the royal ones,
every girl has a coming out at what they call a Blood Ball. The whole point is to
find their mate, who they will bond with and spend the rest of their unlife