August 13, 2024

Son of the Siren

Son of the Siren By Kristina Elyse Butke
Publication date: July 2, 2024
Buy Link: Amazon
Genres: Fantasy, Young Adult

Sometimes love is a curse, a twisted, unnatural obsession.

Such is the dark magic of a siren’s song, the power of which half-siren Lirien witnesses for himself as he watches his mother sing his father, the King of Ardeth, into the sea. In a fruitless attempt to reverse his father’s fate, Lirien sings the siren song himself, not knowing its true power is seduction. Instead, he ensnares his stepmother, the Queen, with its hypnotic melody.

When Lirien refuses her desperate advances, she turns to forbidden magic to force her love on him. But wishing upon a havoc stone is an invitation to chaos. The queen’s own son and daughters, Lirien’s beloved siblings, are whisked away and transformed into animals. They flee the kingdom, and Lirien chases after them, his beautiful voice also gone.

Through elven mountains, fae forests, and siren waters, Lirien will stop at nothing to find and save his family. Threats come at him from all sides, but there are allies, too—Kitra, a shapeshifting fae fox who vows vengeance on the Queen for killing her brother, and Brandegil, an elf who can awaken the sacred sword Alibrandr to help break the spell on the children.

Together, they’ll bring the stars raining down from the heavens if that’s what it takes to save Lirien’s family, but there’s still the matter of breaking the spell on the Queen. And Lirien’s own deadly curse haunts him should he stray too long from the sea.


On the night of his twentieth birthday, Lirien was dreaming he was a golden bird with long, lustrous plumage, when a wordless song invaded his sleep. A woman’s voice, rich and beautiful, floated upon the warm summer breeze through the open balconette window, but it wasn’t until he felt the gentle brush of her breath against his ear that Lirien opened his eyes.

He was alone in the darkness of his room, but the song caressed him with silky fingers. A tingling warmth traveled his skin before it settled down as a hot knot in his stomach. He felt something like a tug at his waist, pulling him forward.

He didn’t remember standing or walking. He was in his bed, and then he was on the beach with the hulking silhouette of the castle and cliffs rising behind him. He thought he was dreaming again, until the cold water washed over his bare feet and, at last, the dreamlike haze within him dissolved.

August 12, 2024

Elements & the Fae (The Elemental, #2)

Elements & the Fae (The Elemental, #2) By Jillian Beane
Publication date: August 12 2024
Buy Link: Amazon
Genres: Adult, Fantasy, Romance


Dirrin is gone, but who took his books? And why?

Cleaning up after the last battle and establishing the newly formed Council of Erist is hard enough, but when Dirrin’s books turn up missing and a chunk of obsidian with a strangely familiar magical signature is found, how will Suleima and her friends figure this out?

When new information about Suleima’s past comes to light, how will her dynamic with her found family change?

Rejoin Suleima and her friends as they face a new threat and discover that Dirrin may have only been the beginning.


“What is the matter?” he asked.

“There’s so much here, but nothing I am looking for!”

“Let’s take a break. Go for a walk, clear your head. We can talk about what you’ve read or talk about nothing. You decide.”

She nodded and rose from her chair, heading for the door. Suleima didn’t venture far, content to sit on the porch, looking out into the woods beyond her house. Gage sat next to her, their legs touching, his arm behind her, sitting silently. After yawning, she laid her head on his shoulder. He tilted his head down to touch hers and held her hand.

August 11, 2024

Mr. Absolutely Not! (The Seattle Svenssons, #1)

Mr. Absolutely Not! (The Seattle Svenssons, #1) By Alina Jacobs
Publication date: August 6, 2024
Buy Link: Amazon
Genres: Adult, Comedy, Contemporary, Romance

Armed with comfy pants, overpriced coffee, and a highly anxious emotional-support corgi, I prepare to face him.
Corporate boss.

I step into his office. His perfect mouth twists into a sneer.
There is no heart of gold beneath that suit, just a big black pit. He’s a shark in the frothy waters of high-stakes finance.
He might be the quintessential asshole CEO, causing all in his path to quake in fear, but he’s never had to face down a basic bitch in her thirties.

I am exactly like the other girls—I adore Starbucks, greige home decor, and making snarky jokes with my bestie. I’ve even inherited a stalker from an ill-advised singles party.
Yeah, the stalker is… a problem, one I’m hoping will just go away if I ignore it.

I can’t ignore him, though.
He’s all broad shoulders and snide comments, picking apart everything about me as he circles me, going for the kill.
He would never fire me, though. There’s no fun in that. He wants me to quit, to have a mental breakdown.
Well, he can get in line behind my crazy gold-digging sister, my guilt-tripping mother, and the aforementioned stalker.

He pins me with his gaze.
I brace myself, waiting for the verbal blow to come…
Instead, he says, “I need a date tonight, and unfortunately, it has to be you.”

This is a full-length, enemies-to-lovers romantic comedy, complete with smokin’ hot-but-morally gray heroes, a smidge of suspense, and of course the perfect happily ever after!


After a cold shower, I wrap a towel around my waist as I step out then lather up to shave. I’m just rinsing off the straight razor when something slimy and rough runs against my leg.

I strangle a curse as the pudgy corgi stumbles back, tripping over the bath mat.

“Mandy!” I bellow, wrenching open the slightly open door. “Mandy!”

August 10, 2024

In the Time of Spirits

In the Time of Spirits By Beth Ford
Publication date: August 6, 2024
Buy Link: Amazon
Genres: Adult, Historicalbr


An epic adventure through the world of the nineteenth-century spiritualist movement.

In 1890, Addy Cohart is determined to defy convention and remain unmarried-until she meets William Fairley, a psychic medium who gives her hope as she grieves the sudden death of her parents. 

Addy becomes a devotee of the spiritualist movement, but as she takes on a larger role as William’s assistant, she realizes that all may not be as it seems. As the couple moves from New York to London to Paris, Addy is forced to confront the fact that William’s talents may be a ruse, and that he may even be a criminal. 

She must decide whom to trust and where to place her loyalties. What price is she willing to pay to protect her love and keep her faith?


The group settled around the table and sang a hymn, just like the many other sessions Addy had attended. But this one felt profoundly different. She held herself straight, as if the solidness in her spine could translate to her resolve to make it through the evening. The group joined hands, and the powder she knew was on William’s hand burned into her conscience. But she made no mention of it, only sat grim-faced in the dark as those around her received their messages, which she hoped were still legitimate amid the spectacle. 

August 7, 2024

Seeing Gray (Secrets of the Sight, #1)

Seeing Gray (Secrets of the Sight, #1) By C.E. Brown
Publication date: August 7, 2024
Buy Link: Amazon
Genres: Urban Fantasy, Young Adult

Celestials have been killing Seers for centuries, as prophesy states that a Seer will overthrow Celestial rule. 

Worried for Zoey’s safety, her parents forbid her from registering as a Seer and interacting with the Celestials, Fae, and Demons who hide among humankind. Zoey is forced to wear a necklace that hides magic from her and conceals her magic from them.

Witness to her mother’s murder at the hands of a Demon, Zoey vows to track down her mother’s killer and make him pay. 

Embracing her magic, Zoey is brought deeper into the mythical world by an unlikely ally and wonders if perhaps her parents were right to keep her out of it.

Will she avenge her mother’s death, or will she meet the same untimely fate?


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