Age Group: Young Adult
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Release Date: April 13, 2016
Buy Links:
Amazon ♥ B & N
Book Description:
Mia Crawford is a prophet.
She can see angels. She also sees demons. Everywhere.
The angels are preparing for war to get her fallen angel boyfriend, Michael, back. A war that could take years.
Haunted by visions of Michael's soul being tortured, Mia can't rest until she knows he's safe.
To save him, she must make an impossible journey through Hell with the one person she prayed she'd never see again.
I can’t even.
I don’t even know where to start with this one. I mean I
suppose the beginning would be a good start, but my head is still reeling and I’m
not sure I can wrap my head around it all. But one this I can say is wow. The
ending to The Warrior Prophet was a surprise, but seriously more than I could
have hoped for! I didn’t think the series would go there, but it makes sense.
Clearly I don’t want to give too much away about the ending, but so good.
I liked Mia’s journey in this book and though I feel she did
a teeny tiny backtrack on the maturation level, with the situation she was put
in, I get it. And by the end of the book I think Mia was right where she needed
to be. I really enjoyed Vosin’s take on Hell and the descriptions she used in
this part of the story. Everything felt so vivid, so real.
Michael…poor poor Michael. Ugh, my heart hurt for him in
this story. I just wanted to tackle hug him and make everything better. And
Mia, it was bad for her too. But I also think she was so strong in this book,
even strong then the last and she really became a hero in her own in this book.
I was so happy with the interactions between the different
characters and how the story progressed and some of the questions that were
answered. There’s still a couple of things I have questions about, but overall
this was such a great story and the end…god. Again, so so very good.
Like I said before I don’t want to give too much away with
this one, because there were so many good parts, so many times I thought I knew
exactly what was going to happen and then BOOM the Voisin threw a curve from
left field and I’m sitting here staring at the book like…what the holy hell?
I highly recommend this series to anyone who like
captivating reading in general. Give it a chance and I’m sure you’ll fall in
love with the characters and series as much as I have!
Author Bio:
After studying English literature at the University of Toronto and creative writing at Simon Fraser University, Lisa Voisin had the great fortune of being mentored by Nancy Richler and A.M. Dellamonica through Betsy Warland's Vancouver Manuscript Intensive solo program. She is also a teacher of meditation with the Training in Power Academy
A member of the SCBWI (Society for Children's Book Writers and Illustrators), she can usually be found writing at a local cafe in her home town of Vancouver, B.C.
A self-proclaimed coffee lover, when Lisa's not writing, you'll find her meditating in the mountains to counteract the side effects of drinking too much caffeine!
Thanks so much for having me on your site today! And for the review!