Showing posts with label Adult: Science Fiction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Adult: Science Fiction. Show all posts

February 23, 2015

Book Blitz: The Apollo Academy (The Apollo Academy #1)

The Apollo Academy (The Apollo Academy #1) by Kimberly P. Chase
Age Group: New Adult
Genre: Science Fiction
Release Date: February 22, 2015
Buy Links:

AmazonB & N

Book Description:

Take off with this dynamic, thrill-seeking, sexy New Adult Science Fiction series debut. Welcome to the exclusive Apollo Academy, where Aurora is about to discover that achieving her dream is only the first step towards her future.

As the heiress to Titon Technologies, eighteen-year-old Aurora Titon can have whatever she wants—clothes, expensive gadgets, anything money can buy. But all she really wants is to escape her pampered, paparazzi-infested life for the stars. 

Becoming the first female pilot to train as an astronaut for the exclusive Apollo Academy is exactly the chance for which she has been waiting. Flying is everything she ever dreamed, her best friend also got into the Academy, and the paparazzi is banned from campus. Everything would be perfect, but for her unreciprocated crush on a fellow student, the sexy astronaut bent on making her life hell, and the fact that someone keeps trying to kill her.

The most important education doesn’t happen in the classroom…

♥ ♥ ♥


Whoop, whoop. ‘Thrust warning, loss of main engine one.’ Whoop, whoop.

The shrill warning bell caused the hair on the back of Aurora’s neck to stand on end. She thrust the throttles on the remaining two engines full forward. She knew Sky stood behind her simulation panel, probably smiling as she struggled to recover from the engine failure he’d just caused with the flick of a switch.

He'd been overseeing everyone’s progress and of course decided now to come over, waiting until she was at an extremely critical altitude before creating this failure for her to handle. Whoop, whoop. ‘Stall imminent.’ Whoop, whoop.

Aurora knew she was approaching the aircraft’s stall speed, but the loss of a single engine made it extremely difficult to control the overly large shuttle. Her yoke shook, another warning that a stall was close.

January 6, 2015

Book Blitz: Maxim (Fueled By Lust #6)

Maxim (Fueled By Lust #6) by Celeste Prater
Age Group: Adult
Genre: Erotic Sci-Fi Romance
Release Date: January 6, 2015
Buy Links:

AmazonB & N

Book Description:

A simple turn of your head can change your life forever. That’s what Maxim Telarius will soon realize when he spots a female cracking up passengers at an airport counter. 

What he didn’t expect was to find his potential mate when the counter comedian inevitably trips over a suitcase and practically lands in his lap. One innocent touch and he’s fighting through a powerful mating surge and begging her not to leave. One blink and she could be lost to him forever.

Skylar Grey is fleeing for her life with a mysterious object stuffed in her purse and no idea where’s she heading. When she spots a gorgeous hunk she just dreamed about, what’s a girl to do? Watching the guy twist on the floor in agony wasn’t what she envisioned. Should she run, or stay to help someone that seems extremely important to her survival?

Book 6 in the Fueled By Lust Series doesn’t disappoint on the erotic, set your hair on fire expectations of the Insedi male.

♥ ♥ ♥


Maxim couldn’t tear his gaze away. She’d stopped on the edge of the crowd and was asking a couple if they knew how to get to the bus terminal. Her voice was melodic and ethereal. She thanked them and turned his way. Realizing he was staring at her like an idiot, Maxim turned to the guy sitting across from him. Shit. Had his face worn that same ridiculous expression of adoration?

Unable to help himself, he glanced back to her and was shocked to see she was now staring at him. Her eyes were wide and her lips were parted as if she was surprised. The closer she drew to him, the higher her brows rose. He felt his stomach clench when she spoke. Tingles shot up his spine and he shivered.


December 17, 2014

Book Blitz: Spark Rising

Spark Rising by Kate Corcino
Age Group: New Adult
Genre: Science Fiction
Release Date: December 15, 2014
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Book Description:

All that’s required to ignite a revolution is a single spark rising.

Two hundred years after the cataclysm that annihilated fossil fuels, Sparks keep electricity flowing through their control of energy-giving Dust. 

The Council of Nine rebuilt civilization on the backs of Sparks, offering citizens a comfortable life in a relo-city in exchange for power, particularly over the children able to fuel the future. 

The strongest of the boys are taken as Wards and raised to become elite agents, the Council’s enforcers and spies. Strong girls—those who could advance the rapidly-evolving matrilineal power—don’t exist. Not according to the Council.

Lena Gracey died as a child, mourned publicly by parents desperate to keep her from the Council. She was raised in hiding until she fled the relo-city for solitary freedom in the desert. Lena lives off the grid, selling her power on the black market.

Agent Alex Reyes was honed into a calculating weapon at the Ward School to do the Council’s dirty work. But Alex lives a double life. He’s leading the next generation of agents in a secret revolution to destroy those in power from within.

The life Lena built to escape her past ends the day Alex arrives looking for a renegade Spark.

♥ ♥ ♥


In Spark Rising, Lena Gracey trusts the wrong man to keep her family safe, and it costs her freedom. In custody, she tries to stay one step ahead of the Agents determined to learn what they can about her rare power. When her mother is brought in as a means to control her, Lena will do whatever it takes to keep her safe, and only one man in the room is smart enough to be worried.

“What do you want me to tell you?”

Lucas cocked his head, and his mouth twisted at the corner. “Tell me?” His voice still had the purring, pleased burr beneath it. Lena gritted her teeth. “What do you want to know?”

December 2, 2014

Promotional Event: Walled (The Line #2)

Walled (The Line #2) by Anne Tibbets
Age Group: New Adult
Genre: Science Fiction
Release Date: December 1, 2014
Buy Links:

AmazonB & N

Book Description:

Freedom means making brutal choices.

Rebel lovers Naya and Ric have survived one year in hiding, raising Naya’s twins from infants to toddlers in the shadow of the brutal Auberge dictatorship. They’re alive, and they’re together, but the city is crumbling around them and the haunting memory of Naya’s dark days on The Line have never fully left them. Living in isolation won’t be an option forever.

When a mysterious revolutionary seeks their help to infiltrate Auberge’s electronic heart and shut it down, it’s an opportunity—it’s risky, yes, but if it works they’ll get out of the city and taste freedom for the first time. Naya needs this. They need this.

Beyond the broken walls of Auberge, Naya and Ric find the paradise they’ve always longed for. But with anarchy reigning and Naya’s children lost amidst the chaos, they’ll need to forfeit their post-apocalyptic Eden…or commit an unspeakable act.

♥ ♥ ♥


“No!” Sonya shouted, clenching her jaw as her eyes bugged wide.

“Not enough! It’s our fault we got those girls killed. Her fault!” She pointed at me again, and I felt my insides burst into flames and scatter like ash.

October 4, 2014

Book Blitz: Krymzyn (book one The Journals of Krymzyn)

Krymzyn (book one The Journals of Krymzyn) by B.C. Powell
Age Group: New Adult
Genre: Science Fiction
Release Date: October 4, 2014
Buy Links:

AmazonB & N

Book Description:

Chase was twelve the first time he arrived in a strange land where dark, ominous clouds never move, ancient trees violently spring to life during Darkness, and people seem to live without emotion. Doctors tell him they’re hallucinations, but he knows his visits are real. She’s there-Sash-and she’s more real than anyone he’s ever known.

His visits stop but, as years pass, the memories haunt Chase. Without warning, the young man suddenly finds himself again in a world called Krymzyn. Arriving during Darkness, he’s rescued from death by the extraordinary, beautiful but terrifying young woman he first met when he was twelve.

When Chase is thrust into the war of balance against vile creatures who threaten all who live there, Sash helps him understand his purpose in Krymzyn. A dark secret from the beginning of time reveals he might be able to stay there forever. To prove he belongs in Krymzyn and be with the only woman he can ever love, Chase will have to risk his own life in the ultimate battle.

♥ ♥ ♥

Building a Strange, New World

Building the world of Krymzyn was one of the most exciting but also more challenging aspects of writing this novel. Not challenging because I don’t know the world inside and out. I spent countless hours wandering through Krymzyn, getting to know every detail of the landscape and every person living there.

The real challenge is showing the reader the world in a way that they see what the protagonist Chase sees and feels what he feels while being there without bogging the reader down in too much detail. My nature is to be highly organized, take things one step at a time, and I’m extremely detail oriented (translation, I have mild OCD). That’s not a joke. I get up from bed at least three times every night to check that the front door is still locked.

In my first draft of this novel, I began by building the world of Krymzyn and then told the story. That’s fine in early drafts, but It doesn’t work in the end. In fact, it’s just boring to the reader and I’d risk losing them by the second chapter.

August 30, 2014

Review: Mermaid

Mermaid by Kate O'Connor
Age Group: Adult
Genre: Fantasy, Science Fiction
Release Date: March 22nd 2013
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Book Description:

How far would you go for freedom?

Harvesting seaweed for World Food Co. is the only life genetically engineered sea drone Coral has ever known. 

Nothing in her short, monotonous life prepared her for a chance meeting with a boatful of strangers who force her to question everything she is.

When the opportunity arises to change her place in the world, Coral finds herself caught between a powerful company and the family she was so desperate to leave. 

Struggling to unravel the tangle of politics and love, time is running out as she fights to learn the hardest lesson of all – what it means to be truly human.

♥ ♥ ♥

I’ve got to say Mermaid by Kate O’Connor isn’t exactly what I expected it to be, but I genuinely enjoyed the Science Fiction twist. This new take on mermaids was clever and original. Instead of being a creature from the sea, these mermaids or rather drones were genetically created with a mixture of human cells and technology.

The eight legged drones, technically they were arms not legs, were created by a company to grow and manage their seaweed and things that are used in their food products. Most drones follow orders and take commands without questioning things or having any thoughts of their own really, except for Coral, later known as Cora.

August 28, 2014

Book Blitz: Athena's Ashes (Star Thief Chronicles #2)

Athena's Ashes (Star Thief Chronicles #2) by Jamie Grey
Age Group: New Adult
Genre: Romance, Science Fiction
Release Date: August 26, 2014
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Book Description:

It’s Renna’s biggest job yet – convincing MYTH leadership that she’s put away her lock picks and is ready to save the galaxy, despite the dangerous implant in her brain. But with the Athena on the run, she’s working solo and facing her most ruthless enemy, the traitor Pallas, who’ll go to any lengths to destroy the MYTH organization. Including framing Renna for a devastating assault on MYTH HQ that leaves their defenses crippled and hundreds dead.

Now that MYTH believes she’s a dangerous double-agent, Renna escapes their firing squad before they put more holes in her than a pair of fishnet stockings. But the ticking time-bomb in her head is the one thing Pallas needs to complete his master plan and he’s not about to let her get away. Even worse, he’s discovered the only thing that will bring Renna to her knees – threatening Captain Nick Finn.

Out of time and options, Renna’s got one shot to take down the traitor before he annihilates everything she loves, even though winning this battle may cost her everything.

♥ ♥ ♥


Renna turned as Dr. Samil entered the room. The young doctor wore a pleasant smile despite the slightly frazzled appearance of her long blonde hair escaping the messy bun she always wore. Renna leaned back against the edge of her bed. “Do you always have to look so happy at the prospect of stabbing me with those instruments of torture?”

Dr. Samil’s blue eyes sparkled. “For someone who’s done her share of killing, I can’t believe you have a needle phobia.”

“We all have our weaknesses,” Renna said with a shrug. “Pointy, shiny, metal bloodsuckers just happen to be mine.”

Samil set her holopad down on the counter and pressed her thumb to the scanner to unlock the drawer. She pulled out a tray of tools. “I guess it’s time for the torture to begin.”

May 10, 2014

Book Blitz: Intimidator (Preyfinders #2)

Intimidator (Preyfinders #2) by Cari Silverwood
Age Group: New Adult
Genre: Romance, Science Fiction
Release Date: May 7, 2014
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Book Description:

Willow has her hands full scraping out a life in a grungy neighborhood where drugs and crime are the norm. Life is hard, but it’s about to get harder. Being transformed into a sexual pet for an alien warrior may be her only way out.

But Stom, the man she’s been awarded to as a battle honor, has no use for a female, not when his heart is still in a million pieces.

Though the need to be Stom’s mate is overwhelming her, mending his heart isn’t going to be enough. His enemies are searching, looking for the women who are more than they seem, and she’s in their hands before she discovers she’s more-than-human.

Sometimes it sucks to be a chosen one.

♥ ♥ ♥


Stom has been observing Willow at a pub, waiting for his chance to kiss her, so he can claim her.

He’d follow after a few minutes, see where she went. Then Stom’s warrior-enhanced hearing picked up a small shriek, far away, but close enough to be just outside this building.


As he ran for the door behind the bar, hurdling the counter and sweeping glasses and bottles to the floor with the tail of his coat, he left behind a thunder of smashing glass. People yelled for him to stop. But out of all this, apart from his anxiety over her safety, his one other concern was that he’d recognized that cry. Anyone else he’d seen here tonight could sing an entire song and he’d not know who it was.

March 25, 2014

Promotional Event: GLORY DOGS Forged Through Glory

GLORY DOGS Forged Through Glory by DeZré Storm
Age Group: Adult
Genre: Science Fiction, Romance
Release Date: December 7, 2013
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Book Description:

Yoland “Kitten” Sleek is used to living in a world of secrets. Born a mixed breed of humanoid, one engineered to kill and another made for pleasure, she explores the galaxy searching for the one source that can protect the privacy of her family: her father. 

The pleasure breed’s illegal bloodline endangers her existence and brands her with a death sentence. Blackmailed into an agreement with the superiors of her employer, she lands in dangerous hands.

Special Operations Sergeant Brinks “Watch” Dog leads his squadron into the most challenging of planetary environments in service to the Compound Operations Research Exploration (CORE) Unit of the United Human Alliance. Bound to his Squad Leader, Jeremy “Sanction” Weaver, they scour the galaxies hunting to fulfill the missions of the CORE and save a planet’s people. After the rare addition of female Enlist Yoland Sleek to the team, the secrecy surrounding her threatens the squadron’s existence.

Can they keep their minds focused on the mission, or should their attentions deviate to the temptation of Yoland Sleek?

♥ ♥ ♥


Sleek crashed to the floor from the stabilizer seat in her cryopod. Her body clattered around in the GEAR. Her vision blurred under the sleep drugs. She blinked.

Where? What am I doing?

The air hissed through her GEAR helmet. She heard the familiar mute of the comm if a noise was loud enough to damage her hearing. The sound faded in once the decibels reduced. Desperation and panic ripped through the air.

March 4, 2014

Promotional Event: The Second Lives of Honest Men

The Second Lives of Honest Men by John R. Cameron
Age Group: Adult
Genre: Science Fiction
Release Date: December 1, 2013
Buy Links:

AmazonB & N

Book Description:

On the evening of April 14th, 1865, a flawless duplicate replaced the 16th President an instant prior to his assassination. 

Two centuries later, Honest Abe opened his eyes to a world in desperate need of guidance.

THE SECOND LIVES OF HONEST MEN is a prescient vision of where society’s dependence on technology could be taking us. 

It’s a character driven story about love, redemption, and hope, with deep philosophical underpinnings related to how we think, feel, and reason in a world where it’s ironically easy to feel disconnected.

♥ ♥ ♥

November 13, 2013

Review: Quantum Entanglement (Interchron #2)

Age Group: Adult
Genre: Dystopian Fantasy
Release Date: September 17, 2013
Buy Links:

AmazonBarnes and Noble

Book Description:

Five months after traveling to a post-apocalyptic future where collectives reign supreme and individuals have been hunted to the verge of extinction, Maggie Harper was returned to her own time until the threat to her life could be neutralized. She thought Marcus and the others would return for her within a few weeks, and now she’s beginning to worry. 

When travelers from the future finally show up to collect her, it’s not who she expected. With the return of her memories, she wants more than ever to see Marcus again, but a snake-like woman whose abilities are a perfect match for Maggie’s, an injured Traveler, and decades of civil unrest to wade through all stand in the way of their reunion.

Meanwhile, Marcus and Karl traipse through the countryside, trying to neutralize Colin, who’s promised to brutalize and murder Maggie if he can get his hands on her. When a collective woman is left for dead, Marcus heals her, hoping she’ll be the key to killing Colin and bringing Maggie back. But she may prove as much a hindrance as a help.

The team struggles to get their bearings, but things happen faster than they know. The collectives are coalescing, power is shifting, and the one called B is putting sinister plans into action. If the team can’t reunite and get a handle on the situation, their freedom and individuality—perhaps their very identity—will be ripped away before they can catch their breath.

♥ ♥ ♥

When I first started to read "Quantum Entanglement" by Liesel K. Hill, I was admittedly a little scared. This is the second book in the "Interchron" series, and I enjoyed the first one so much that I didn't want the curse of the sequel (you know the one – when the first book is SO GREAT that you can't wait for the second, but then when it comes, it's nothing but a glaring disappointment) to hit, and for this book to not live up to my expectations that were set with the first book, "Persistence of Vision".

Thankfully, I had nothing to fear. I should have trusted that Hill would continue to keep me at the edge of my seat while reading as she wove a story full of twists and turns and time travel.

November 10, 2013

Review: Persistence of Vision (Interchron #1)

Persistence of Vision (Interchron #1) by Liesel K. Hill
Age Group: Adult
Genre: Dystopian Fantasy
Release Date: January 29th, 2013
Buy Links:

AmazonBarnes and Noble

Book Description:

In a world where collective hives are enslaving the population and individuals have been hunted to the verge of extinction, Maggie Harper, and independent 21st Century woman, must find the strength to preserve the freedom of the future, but without the aid of her memories.

After experiencing a traumatic time loss, Maggie is plagued by a barrage of images she can't explain. When she's attacked by a creep with a spider's web tattoo, she is saved by Marcus, a man she's never met, but somehow remembers. He tells her that both he and her creepy attacker are from a future in which individuals are being murdered by collectives, and Marcus is part of the rebellion. The collectives have acquired time travel and they plan to enslave the human race throughout all of history. The flashes Maggie has been seeing are echoes of lost memories, and the information buried deep within them is instrumental in defeating the collective hives.

In order to preserve the individuality of mankind, Maggie must try to re-discover stolen memories, re-kindle friendships she has no recollection of, and wade through her feelings for the mysterious Marcus, all while dodging the tattooed assassins the collectives keep sending her way.

If Maggie can't fill the holes in her memory and find the answers to stop the collectives, the world both in her time and in all ages past and future will be doomed to enslavement in the grey, mediocre collectives. As the danger swirls around her and the collectives close in, Maggie realizes she must make a choice: stand out or fade away...

♥ ♥ ♥

You know how they say that people only use a small portion of their brain? Ever wonder what that unused portion is for? In "Persistence of Vision" by Liesel K. Hill, we find out.

Hill creates a futuristic world where the entire brain has been mapped out and is now used to complete extraordinary tasks. People can now time travel, use their brain to heal others, recognize others by their specific brain chemistry, make ordinary rocks glow like powerful flashlights, and also be able to use the energy of nature as offensive or defensive weapons.

What I liked about the whole "mapping the brain chemistry" thing was that everyone was still very individualized. Not all brains are the same, and each person's specific chemistry is what leads them to have different abilities whether they're a Traveler, who can go through time, a Healer, who can mend almost any injury, a Protector, who can throw up powerful shields to deflect offensive energy, a Concealer, who can hide others' brain signatures so they won't be detected by the enemy, or any number of other talents.

November 4, 2013

Book Blitz: I Am Just Junco Books 1-3 Omnibus (Clutch, Fledge, Flight)

I Am Just Junco Books 1-3 Omnibus (Clutch, Fledge, Flight) by J.A. Huss
Age Group: Adult
Genre: Dystopian, Science Fiction
Release Date: November 4, 2013
Buy Links:

AmazonBook Depository

Book Description:

Nineteen year old Rural Republic sniper, Junco Coot, has been lied to. Not once or twice, but pretty much everyone she ever trusted is totally full of sh*t. And now her father is dead, she’s on the run, and everyone wants a piece of her—including one winged alien warrior named Tier.

But the truth always catches up and Junco has to choose who she should trust. The people who have lied and trained her to kill since she was a small child? Or the warriors who want to steal her away and use her as the catalyst in a plot to fight the final battle in an ancient war?

It’s a choice that will change her fate forever. And once it’s made—there’s no turning back. Life becomes nothing but brutal killing in the name of vengeance. But everything requires sacrifice—everything has a price. And Junco is about to find out what it means to dedicate herself to saving someone else.

Junco is not young adult. She has a foul mouth and violent tendencies.

♥ ♥ ♥



I swing the shotgun on the strap so it’s out in front of me, brace it on my thigh to compensate for my injured shoulder, cycle the next round into the chamber, and then point it straight at his chest. I strain to prevent the wince that really wants to spread across my face.

"Look, I don’t know who you are, or why you’re here, but as a Farm Family Representative of Council 3, I’m asking you to leave under Regulation V.1.b – Aliens are not permitted in the Rural Republic under any circumstances. I have the authority to shoot and if you doubt me, I apologize ahead of time for taking your life. You are hereby legally warned."

"Look, sweetheart–"

September 25, 2013

Review: Brave New World

Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
Age Group: Adult
Genre: Science Fiction, Dystopian
Published: 1932
Buy Links: AmazonB&N

Far in the future, the World Controllers have finally created the ideal society. In laboratories worldwide, genetic science has brought the human race to perfection. From the Alpha-Plus mandarin class to the Epsilon-Minus Semi-Morons, designed to perform menial tasks, man is bred and educated to be blissfully content with his pre-destined role.

But, in the Central London Hatchery and Conditioning Centre, Bernard Marx is unhappy. Harbouring an unnatural desire for solitude, feeling only distaste for the endless pleasures of compulsory promiscuity, Bernard has an ill-defined longing to break free. 

A visit to one of the few remaining Savage Reservations where the old, imperfect life still continues, may be the cure for his distress…

A fantasy of the future that sheds a blazing critical light on the present--considered to be Aldous Huxley' s most enduring masterpiece.

♥ ♥ ♥

Brave New World opens with a student tour of a London laboratory where the production of babies takes place. A great deal of time goes into explaining the different processes go into separating the five castes from each other the highest being Alpha and the lowest Epsilon in social standing, intelligence and height. All of this is done to insure the continuation of the motto Community, Identity, Stability. Everyone is conditioned to be happy within their ranking seeking immediate gratification and grateful to do their part.

September 9, 2013

Book Review: The Infinite Within

The Infinite Within by Michael Drakich
Age Group: Adult
Genre: Science Fiction and Fantasy, Adult, Action
Release Date: July 24th, 2013

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Book Description:

Going into outer space calls to Astronaut Brooke Jones like the sirens of old, and when the chance to be part of the first manned mission to Mars arises, she is ecstatic. 

But little does she know the fate that awaits her on the surface of the red planet or the results of her encounter when she gets back to Earth.

♥ ♥ ♥

Thanks to the worldwide success of shows like The Big Bang Theory and Star Trek, being interested in science is now universally cool. It is with some embarrassment that I am forced to admit that because of said shows I was able to understand several different scientific terms such as microscopic black holes and Higgs Boson that are illustrated in ‘The Infinite Within’.

Without such interest in sci-fi television I probably would have needed a dictionary to understand half of what is going on in this book.

August 30, 2013

Promotional Event: John Smith - Last Known Survivor of the Microsoft Wars

John Smith - Last Known Survivor of the Microsoft Wars by Roland Hughes
Age Group: Adult
Genre: Dystopian, Science Fiction
Release Date: May 30, 2013
Buy Links:

B & N

Book Description:

What if the Mayans got the start of the end correct because they had survived it once before? What if our written history was just as accurate as the old tale about three blind men describing an elephant?

What if classic science fiction writing and television shows each got a piece of it correct, would you know which ones? If your eyes can only see a tiny portion of a collage do you know it is a collage?

Fans of Babylon 5, Star Trek TNG, Battle Star Galactica (the new one) and classic science fiction writing will enjoy the bountiful Easter Egg hunt contained within. When you were a child you learned to connect paper clips or thread beads together to make a necklace.

Sit back and watch the beads you’ve had all your life form the picture you could not see. Consider for one second the possibility of the story, then hang onto your mind with both hands while you take the ride.

♥ ♥ ♥


In the past, when there was a massive nuclear disaster,mankind put in a concerted effort to clean it up. Even when the Chernobyl meltdown happened in a place called the Ukraine,we built a low-quality and hasty tomb around the site and put as much of the waste as possible in safe containment.The closest my cycle had to the off-limits places you know have occurred on an island nation known as Japan.

August 29, 2013

Book Blast: Alien, Mine

Alien, Mine by Sandra Harris
Age Group: Adult
Genre: Science Fiction, Romance
Release Date: June 18, 2013
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Book Description:

Torn from modern day Earth and stranded on the far side of the Galaxy, Sandrea Fairbairn must use every particle of courage she possesses to adjust to her new life and live for tomorrow.

Eugen Mhartak, a general in the Tri-Race Alliance Army, refuses to bow to the merciless Bluthen. Haunted by the loss of far too many innocent lives he has vowed to drive the ruthless invaders from Alliance space.

The strength and valor of Eugen Mhartak attracts Sandrea as no man ever has, but she struggles to read the enigmatic general’s heart. Determined to help him triumph over the Bluthen she uncovers a diabolical plot against the Alliance.

Drawn by the courage and exotic beauty of Sandrea, Mhartak battles to overcome the barriers of cross-cultural differences that separate them and claim her ardent interest. He must conquer his deepest fears to be the man she needs. When his principles are betrayed by his own government and he is faced with the impossible prospect of taking Sandrea’s life in order to save his home planet, Mhartak desperately searches for a way to keep safe both his world and the magnificent woman who has stolen his heart.

♥ ♥ ♥


“Mhartak, move your sorry carcass!”

He glared back to the forest. A gan dressed in agricultural clothes with a familiar cast to his stance cradled a powerful rifle. Disbelief narrowed his eyes.

Surely not.

Amidst a fresh hail of enemy fire, the civilian hefted the weapon.


August 7, 2013

Cover Reveal: Edge of the Falls (After the Fall #1)

Inkspell Promotional Event

Edge of the Falls (After the Fall #1) by Nazarea Andrews
Age Group: New Adult
Genre: Science Fiction
Release Date: March 12, 2013
Book Description:

In a world torn apart by science and war, an outcast finds love with a beast.

Sabah has lived outside the Commission’s control her entire life. But as she approaches the age of Majority, her guardian pushes her to make a choice: life in the wild with a boy she barely knows, or a place in the nearby City with Berg, the boy she’s known since childhood.

April 25, 2013

Promotional Event: Queen & Commander (Hive Queen Saga #1)

Queen & Commander (Hive Queen Saga #1) by Janine A. Southard
Age Group: Adult
Genre: Science Fiction
Release Date: March 10, 2013
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Book Description:

On a world where high school test scores determine your future, six students rebel. They’ll outrun society as fast as their questionably obtained spaceship will take them.

Rhiannon doesn’t technically cheat the Test. She’s smarter than the computers that administer it, and she uses that to her advantage. She emerges from Test Day with the most prestigious future career possible: Hive Queen.

Gwyn & Victor are madly in love, but their Test results will tear them apart. Good thing Rhiannon is Gwyn’s best friend. Rhiannon can fix this. Queens can do anything.

Gavin is the wild card. Raised off-planet, he can’t wait to leave again... and he’s heard of an empty ship in orbit. The Ceridwen’s Cauldron.

Both Luciano and Alan fit in the system. They don’t need to leave. Only their devotion to Rhiannon spurs them to join the Cauldron’s crew.

Spaceships. Blackmail. Anywhere but here.

♥ ♥ ♥


Winning a ship means surpassing the competition.

The three competing Queens swiveled their heads, hare-quick, to home in on new prey. They’d ignored her until she’d made that noise. Now they had the scent of fresh insecurity and would peck away until they laid her meager confidence bare for the massacre.

“What a sweet little girl,” gushed the one in red. “Where’s your mother?”

April 2, 2013

Review: The Mine (Northwest Passage)

The Mine (Northwest Passage) by John Heldt
Age Group: Everyone
Genre: New Adult: Romance/Science-fiction
Release Date: February 12, 2012
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Book Description:

In 2000, Joel Smith is a cocky, adventurous young man who sees the world as his playground. But when the college senior, days from graduation, enters an abandoned Montana mine, he discovers the price of reckless curiosity. He emerges in May 1941 with a cell phone he can't use, money he can't spend, and little but his wits to guide his way. Stuck in the age of Whirlaway, swing dancing, and a peacetime draft, Joel begins a new life as the nation drifts toward war. With the help of his 21-year-old trailblazing grandmother and her friends, he finds his place in a world he knew only from movies and books. But when an opportunity comes to return to the present, Joel must decide whether to leave his new love in the past or choose a course that will alter their lives forever. THE MINE follows a humbled man through a critical time in history as he adjusts to new surroundings and wrestles with the knowledge of things to come.

♥ ♥ ♥

In the interest in full disclosure, the author sent me a copy of this book so I could read and review. While I liked this book, I didn’t enjoy it as much as I enjoyed The Journey. The two books share the basic idea of exploring what would happen if one was able to go back in time.

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